Sunday Brunch
"The peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings." -George W. Bush
1) What is a Christmas tradition that your family did when you were a child that you loved the most? Family getting together.
2) What is a Christmas tradition that you plan to instill in your own family or already have instilled from when you were a child? Family getting together. I'd also to have us sing Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas, and maybe have a cake that says Happy Birthday Jesus too.
3) What is a new Christmas tradition that you have instilled in your family that is new to both you and your significant other? Taking pictures of our kids helping decorate the tree.
4) Do you make any traditional holiday dishes? Negative.
5) Does your family open Christmas gifts Christmas morning, when the clock strikes twelve, or one gift the night before and the rest the next morning? Usually Christmas morning. Sometimes Rubi talks me into one gift the night before, or we'll open our gifts the night before after the kids have gone to bed and save the morning of specifically for them.

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