Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday Brunch for February 6, 2005

Today's Sunday Brunch
(Actually, this is last weeks. I didn't like the one for this week, and I didn't get to post last weeks :-)

"The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who
can't read them." -Mark Twain

1) Do you use bookmarks? Absolutely. I abhor dogear-ing pages.

2) What is your favorite book? "Book"? Singular? sheesh, I have to pick?

3) Who is your favorite author? Hmmm... Asimov for Classic Sci-fi. James Luceno for current pop-sci-fi. Clive Cussler for action/adventure, oh wait... Maybe Matthew Reilly, or Bob Mayer, or James Rollins, or or...

4) What is the movie you feel is the most authentic version of a book? The Lord of The Rings tried to be authentic, and did a pretty good job.

5) Is there a book you wish they would make into a movie and why? The Asimov Robot and Foundation novels. But I don't think they'd turn out well. I know there's a Clive Cussler book being made into a movie this summer. I'll go see it, but it probably won't be as good as the book. Greg Bear's Eon and Eternity would be great movies if they stuck to the book and didn't try to Hollywood them up.


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