Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Whaddya mean she's not flawless?!

Sigh. I DON'T like Elizabeth's teacher. We just don't see eye to eye. I feel that she's more interested in criticizing bad behavior than in solving it, and she obviously thinks I'm an overly permissive idiot.
The longest convos I have with this woman are when she's enthusiastically telling me all about Elizabeth's indiscretions. I don't think she's ever had a good thing to say about her. And it's just not very constructive. I'm all "Okay, what can we do to solve "x" problem that you're going on and on and ON about?", and she just wants to criticize. My inner mama bear goes wild at this, and it's all I can do to be civil. We're talking about a kid who has pulled honor roll every grading period, throughout first grade and all of this year. Her GPA has never dropped below 3.70, and at the end of last year she was given the Colossians award. (One child from each grade is selected for this award, which is essentially the "model student in every way" award.) I know for a fact that she's not as horrible as this teacher makes her out to be. Grr, snarl. Is the school year over yet?

This is the same woman who freaking forgot to fill out Elizabeth's last report card. I opened the envie to find a blank report card. She somehow made it sound like the students fault. Some gibberish about how she was working on report cards, but then had to set them aside to, actually, you know, TEACH. Then she forgot to finish Elizabeth's.

Most frustrating teacher ever. I think I'm a bit spoiled, because Elizabeth had the same fabulous teacher for both preschool years. She struck gold again with her jewel of a kindergarten teacher, and had a similarly wonderful first grade teacher. Then I wind up with this harpy for second grade. Sigh.


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