Tales from the mom side.
Busy day.
I'm sick with what we call The Crud - nasty head cold combined with general achy feeling and lethargy. Whoop.
So I woke up at 3:45, unable to breathe through my nose, and couldn't get back to sleep. I had to be up at 6, so I tossed and turned until then. Got out of bed for a bit. Back to bed. Up again. Down. Groan. Nope, Rubi's up for the day.
I had to be at the soccer field at 8:00 to set up for a 9AM soccer game. It was miserably cold, overcast, and gusty out. Not ideal weather for a pack of 1st and 2nd graders to play soccer in, but they didn't call the games. Oh-kay.
Eight to noon was insane. Got my first round of parent volunteers set up at 8:30, and dashed home to pick up some blankets and Elizabeth's turtleneck, which I'd forgotten to pack for her to wear under her uniform. (She was at a friend's birthday sleepover, and I was to pick her up a half hour before her 10:30 game.) Got back to the soccer field to find that we'd run out of hot cocoa mix, and there was a line of people waiting to order some. So I did about 60 to the nearest gas station, emptied their shelf of cocoa mix, and ran back to the concession stand.
Flung the boxes at them and took off again to pick Elizabeth up. Got her changed into uniform, leggings, turtleneck, gloves, and hat (no, seriously) and sent her off to her coach to warm up before the game. It was so cold that neither team played quite as well as usual, and we wound up the game tied 2-2. During the game, we got the added treat of a light drizzle. Good grief.
Finished the game and concession stand cleanup at noon, went home, collapsed on the sofa while my darling got the kids ready for my sister's birthday party. Off we go to the party. Party, food, presents, cake, whoo! Back home again.
Rushed Elizabeth through the shower. Tonight is her Brownie troop's father-daughter date night, so she needed to get all prettied up. The outfit we bought for her to wear tonight - it's a semi formal event - was out of the question. Short sleeved shirt, just below the knee skirt, and strappy sandals. Remember the horrid weather? I got her black velvet Christmas dress out of the box of winter clothes instead. Thank goodness she's had the courtesy not to grow in the past four months.
My darling got all gussied up in his suit too, and off they went for dinner and dancing. Me? Zzzzzzzz. Catherine was already in bed for the night, and Alexander watched TV while I slept on the sofa next to him. Now he's in bed and I'm feeling relatively rested, albeit still like a living Nyquil ad.
Added highlights to my day include the gallon container of water that spilled in the van, my accidentally mentioning the birthday sleepover in front of a child who wasn't invited, and pouring out the 30 cups of coffee I'd made for the concession stand because everyone wanted hot cocoa instead.
Can't wait for my darling and my sweet pea to come home tonight and show me pics. I could use a smile.

1 comment:
I got to stay home in the warm house with the 2 little kids.
It's now almost Tuesday and Rubi is still sick... has been since Friday.
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