Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tales from the (soccer) mom side.

Okay, BRR. Soccer tourney quarter finals were tonight. Parents arrived wearing sunglasses and toting umbrellas, which looked kinda funny. But they had a point. The sun was beating down, and off to the north was an ominous dark grey...well, wall.

The games started, and everyone was keeping one nervous eye on the approaching wall. The sun was out, the sun was out, the sun was out...then wham. It was gone. Replaced by high winds, rapidly dropping temps, and a drizzle. Which turned into an actual rain. Which then turned into a downpour. Umbrellas were turning inside out, another umbrella went careening completely off of the soccer fields and across the parking lot of a nearby church, and one poor soccer team was trying to play while (hilariously) dodging an escaped folding chair cover. The thing was blowing to and fro among the players, pursued by a really embarassed father. The crowd on the bleachers was howling. Then the referees finally called the game. No, no, wait, they didn't call it. They sent everyone off to huddle in their cars for ten minutes until the rain stopped.
I don't know how they knew, but ten minutes later, the sun was beating down again. The temp had dropped about 20 degrees, and I kept busy the rest of the game selling hot chocolate to the shivering masses. Like I said. Brr.


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