I'm thinking about starting a recurring photo caption "contest".
Of course, since all I really have are pictures of Rubi and the kids, that means I'll have to carry the camera around and take interesting pictures of other things too. Because not all of my family pics lend themselves to humorous captions.
Oh yeah: I got the idea from Mustang23 and the Star Wars Caption contest.
How it works:
-I'll post a pic whenever I think I have a good one.
-You comment on the post with your humorous (and family friendly) caption.
-I pick a "winner" from the comments and post the winner and the best few captions in another post a few days later.
-The "winner" wins a swift kick, or their choice of a swirly or headlocks and noogies.
Here's the first photo for your captioning enjoyment:

"Now which one of these was the Windex®...?"
"The flagon with the dragon has the potion with the poison....the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true" ...Danny Kaye in The Court Jester
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