Tuesday, December 06, 2005

No It's Not Hard. These Are Fun!

It's time once again for another rousing edition of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test! Inquiring cloaked minds want to know:

1) What, in your opinion, was the best finale to a television series? I know these things are frequently difficult to narrow down, so if you cannot choose one, narrow it down to a reasonable number, perhaps three.

Star Trek DS9 was pretty good.
Friends was good too.
Angel was good too. But Wesley?!?

The actual final episode of Cheers bit, but the very end was good - I still believe Sammy is down in that bar serving drinks to Norm.
The Farscape finale blew - "the series is over and you end it that way?!?" At least the fans demanded some resolution in the Peacekeepers War, and that was okay as a series finale.
The Mad About You finale should never have been made. Rubi sat there saying "uh... what just happened?"

If you can count Objects In Space as the series "finale" of Firefly, the episode was excellent - but not great as a finale.

2) You wake up to get the morning paper when you notice something is wrong. The sky is green and the grass is blue. Birds are swimming and fish are flying. Explain.

Must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

And I don't read the morning paper.

3) How did you lose your first tooth?

From my mouth, I guess. Seriously, I don't remember.

4) What's the strangest thing you or someone you know has made out of snow?

Snow Ice Cream.
So. Gross.

5) What's the best superhero lair and why? Feel free to provide examples.

I'm not familiar with very many superhero lairs and can probably only name a handful.
Batcave. FOS. Watchtower. The FF building (don't know the proper name). I'd have to tie between the Watchtower and the Batcave.
The Batcave because it's cave, and caves are cool (both in temperature and in the neat-o factor), and it's got all of Batsy's gadgets and gear, plus "trophies", and secret access to Stately Wayne Manor, and the Gotham sewers.
The Watchtower (I'm mostly familiar with the JLA cartoon version, but I've read a couple of JLA novels with the Lunar version), because it's not on Earth. Our heros can watch over the planet, and keep a Watch out for interstellar threats as well. Because, if you're gonna be protectors of the human race, you gotta deal with all those outer space nasties, like the Green Lantern Corp. Oh wait....
Oh, and I just thought of G.I. Joe's The Pit from the comic book. A multi-level underground headquarters with many cool things inside. And none of the regular military on the army base above ground even know it's there!

These are fun. Some comments over at MCF are saying this test was too hard.
It's not about being easy or difficult. It's about having fun!



MCF said...

Yeah! There's the spirit, Kev!

The FF have actually had two buildings. The original was called the Baxter Building which was just a regular office building in which Reed owned the top floors and concealed a rocket in. I think at some point he purchased it. Eventually Dr. Doom had the building launched into space and exploded. They built a new one on the site which is the one seen in comics now, with four "4"s making up the peak of the tower. That HQ is known as Four Freedoms Plaza.

Loved the Douglas Adams reference. I'm hoping for a lot of interesting answers for that one. :)

How did Mad About You end again? Was that the one where they got separated and back together when they were older or something equally stupid and unmemorable.

kevbayer said...

I knew the FF had two buildings one built after the first was destroyed - read that online somewhere.... kinda cool owning your own building and putting whatever you want inside - but kind of an obvious target for your arch nemesiseses...

Mad About You ended with them in the future getting separated, Jeanene Garafolo (sp?) played their grown daughter. The episode was depressing, slow, boring, and depressing. Oh, and did I mention depressing? Maybe Rubi and missed the point of the finale, but the series was about this couple that were madly in love and happily married. And they end it with them getting divorced? Makes you think, "Oh, so the entire series was a lie?"

Kelly said...

Oh, great response to #2!

And Snow Ice Cream? It even sounds gross.

Darrell said...

We made snow ice-cream once when I was a kid. I don't remember enjoying it very much... even "home-made ice-cream," which I loathe, was better.

That last episode of Mad About You... didn't they bring Janinniene Garrafalololo on as the daughter? Ick.