Yes. I know it's been a week since I've posted anything - even a goofy quiz or meme.
And I didn't even get to watch Heroes because I had to work!!
Last week was quite hectic and I didn't find time to post anything. I even had four days off from work in a row! But we had so much stuff to do that I didn't have time to check my email let alone write something for the blog.
Rubi and I spent Thursday and Friday of last week shopping for supplies for a craft show over the weekend. (Yes, at the last minute.) Rubi was selling boxed cobbler mixes and jars of potato soup mix at her table at the craft show. She almost sold out Saturday, and I had to go shopping again that night for more supplies. She got up early Sunday and spent several hours putting together more mixes and almost sold out again Sunday!
I was ...stressed both mornings as we rushed around the house putting the finishing touches on the products, packing up, and getting to the show at the last minute (or later). We finished setting up Saturday morning as the first people were coming in the door. Luckily, the show was held on three separate floors of a building, so it was still a while before the customers made it up to the 3rd floor where Rubi's table was set up. She had a niche product though, and did really well at the show. Sunday morning we actually got to the show several minutes after it started... but it was a Sunday morning, and there weren't that many shoppers there that early.
While Rubi and Elizabeth were at the craft show both days, the two little kids and I spent the day running more errands - which mostly consisted of us delivering things to Rubi that she either forgot to take, or needed more of as the days progressed.
Oh, and Sunday afternoon while Rubi and Elizabeth were at the show, the van I was driving broke down! That van belongs to my in-laws, but we were borrowing it because our van has been sitting in our driveway for two months because it needs a really expensive repair job. Now we're down to just my car. We all fit in it - but during the school week we also have two other kids that we drive to school, and with them in the car, we all won't fit. We have to juggle our morning schedule to make that work until our van gets out of the shop, hopefully later this week if they don't find too much other stuff wrong with the van that need to be fixed right away to get it running. Luckily, I'm off work the next three days, so I won't need a vehicle to drive to work, or a ride there and back, those days. Hopefully our van will be back by the time I have to go back to work.
After that four-day weekend, I'm back to work for a 7pm-7am shift. I normally work 3pm-11pm. But! Then I'm off for three more days due to some creative scheduling.
As a matter of fact - my schedule has kind of been like that for about the past month or so... I've scheduled several vacation days so that I'd work two or three days, then get a three or four day "weekend", then back to work for two or three more days, and then another three or four days off. Some of the days I did work though were often crazy schedules like today. It seems like I've rarely worked my actual shift in the past few weeks. I've either had a twelve-hour overnight, or I'd work days, or a regular eight-hour overnight shift, or some crazy combination.
After this three day weekend, I go back to at least a couple of regular four-day weeks (that's how my work rotation runs, four days at work, then two days off, four on, two off). But I still won't be back to a completely normal schedule. I've got some dayshifts, some 3rd shifts, some 12 hour shifts, and some of my regular 2nd shifts thrown in for good measure. Plus I've got a block of vacation time scheduled in the latter half of December - nine days off. Then I get back to work just in time for the Christmas holidays and I work some crazy shifts then too!
I don't think I'll be back to a relatively normal schedule until after the New Year.

What a week(end)
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Definitely dont want to miss it...
Hey Kev, how about sharing some of Rubi's goodies with us? Do you ship them?
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