I was playing Guild Wars this morning, and decided to type the command that would show "how old" your character is. Turns out the command actually shows you how long you've been playing the current character, as well as how long you've been playing total (with all the characters on your account). The number, when I checked, was almost 67 hours. I've only had the game about 3 weeks. Rubi plays too - so I'm blaming her for most of that time spent playing Guild Wars!
I guess it's probably closer to 60/40 - still leaning towards Rubi playing more often (hee hee).
Oy! It's been crazy around here. Rubi not only is teaching at "Light Company" on Wednesday afternoons, an after school program at our church for elementary school-aged children - but she also now has taken on two choreography parts for the school musical. She's choreographing two different songs with two different sets of kids for the musical. That takes up her Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. She just finished co-coaching the Upwards Cheerleading squad that Elizabeth was participating in. That took up her Saturdays, some Sundays, and one weekday afternoon for practice.
Last weekend we had two sleepovers at our house. Friday, Alexander had a school friend sleepover. I took Elizabeth and Catherine Friday evening and went and ran some errands to give Alexander some time with just his friend and no siblings bothering him. Saturday night, Elizabeth had two school friends sleepover. The girls Saturday were much more well-behaved than the kindergartner. Saturday night, Alexander and Catherine went to Rubi's parents for a sleepover there to give Elizabeth time with her friends.
To give me time out of the house away from kids that aren't mine - Saturday evening, I went to a meeting of the local Star Wars Fan Force Club. I joined some of the members after the meeting for pizza at my favorite local pizza place. I've been chatting with the local SW club on TheForce.net boards off and on for a couple of years - but my work schedule and family obligations have prevented me from attending any meetings until now. I'll also be attending their next Book Club meeting later this month and next month's general meeting again. After that, I think it will be awhile before I can attend again...
Elizabeth and Alexander brought home their report cards today: They rock!! Elizabeth had two B-plusses and the rest were A's! She made the highest honor roll! Alexander got all S's (for Satisfactory, the kindergarteners don't do the A,B,C,etc scale). He rocks too! Did I mention that awhile back they tested his reading, and he's reading at a 3rd grade level? Too cool!
Note to Rubi and Elizabeth: Blog more frequently (I need to also).

Life Happens
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