Thursday, May 24, 2007

Which Heroes Character?

Your Score: D.L. Hawkins
You scored 37 Idealism, 45 Nonconformity, 33 Nerdiness

I ain't wearing no tights.
Congratulations, you're D.L. Hawkins! You've got a bit of a past to overcome, but you are a strong person and you care very deeply about the people you love. You are good at getting out of tight situations, however, you're not quite as good at simple, practical things like making lunches. Your best quality: Getting yourself out of difficult situations Your worst quality: No culinary skills whatsoever, refusal to don tights

The Heroes Personality Test written by freedomdegrees on OkCupid Free Online Dating.

I enjoyed the Heroes finale that aired Monday evening. Lots of questions flying around the internet about it, "Why didn't Peter just fly? What about the radioactive fallout? Will Matt survive? Is Hiro his own great-great.... grandfather? Did Sylar turn into a roach?"

Really. I saw someone on a forum say they thought Sylar turned into the roach.

Now I have to wait several months for the 2nd season and the new series to start. I'll just have to be content with the online comic books until then.



Anonymous said...

Okay, I didn't think of the Peter thing - he could fly! But maybe he can only use one of his powers at a time? Have we seen him fly while invisible? I can't remember. It was awesome, though - I can't stand that we have to wait all summer.

My blog's down by the way - Homeschool Journal had to switch servers unexpectedly - right in the middle of Ron and Andrea moving into their new house. Should be up this weekend sometime.

MCF said...

Peter can't use more than one ability at a time, at least not yet. When Claude was training him, they established that he needs to use his empathy to focus on a person to tap into his or her ability, like when he fell off the building and thought of Claire, he could heal. When he was going nuclear he wasn't in control and panicking and thinking Claire had to shoot him. Even if he could muster the concentration to fly, I think two Petrellis could move faster than one and get a safe distance than fallout wouldn't be a problem.

I think the cockroaches are either controlled by Sylar(we saw one when he was held by Bennett in that cell) or agents of whomever Molly said was "worse".

I don't know about Hiro being his own great granddaddy, but did anyone else notice George Takei under one of those masks? Immortality ability, anyone? He did tell Hiro he waiting a long time for someone in his bloodline to ascend...

kevbayer said...

Wow, MCF, those are astute observations that I haven't seen bandied about the interwebs in quite that way. Yours make sense.