Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Tales from the job hunting mom side.

Yes, job hunting. My last day at my current job is Thursday. I accepted the pitifully low pay on the understanding that I'd be doing lots to improve their rubber stamping department: buying, merchandising, etc. I was way excited about that, and considered it a fair trade. Low wages, but lots of fun doing something I love. But then the scrapbooking buyer (my boss) got all territorial, and nine months later I'm still dusting shelves and straightening paper for $6.50 an hour. Nope, I don't think so.
So I'm applying for jobs left and right, and hit on a lead this weekend for something that sounds ideal. Prayers and good thoughts, please. I just put together my first resume in...hmm, I think EVER. Got on the phone with my mother the resume guru, and emailed it to her. She helped me improve it and fine tune it, and now it looks all impressive and stuff. ;-)
I'll either fax it or drop it off at the mortgage company that's hiring later today.

In other news, I'm still sick. I sound like I've been smoking since birth, and am still headachy, hacking and coughing. I bailed out of work a half hour yesterday, and called in sick today. My darling doesn't know I did that yet, but DUH. It was kind of a given. But he should be home any minute, and will probably be less than delighted to find me here.


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