Monday, February 21, 2005

Blog Party Today

MCF is having a Blog Party today!

It's like a block party only it's taking place in the blogosphere.

The blog party theme is "Your Top Five Villains of All Time, from Comics to Cartoons to Television to Film".

Here are mine:

5. Hector, the robot from Saturn 3: I watched this movie when I was much younger. That robot scared the *&^%$ out of me. It was relentless in it's pursuit of the two people on the space station.

4. The Joker as portrayed by Jack Nicholson in 1989's Batman. This character actually took glee in his maniacal killings.
And he wore a purple suit.

3. The Kurgan: from the original Highlander movie. "The endless killing's driven him mad!" He pursued his quarry as long as it took, and relished the kill.

2. Mayor Richard Wilkins III: the big bad from Buffy's season 3. He is so not scary that it made him all the more better as a villain. He performed his villainy with a smile on his face and a wet-wipe ready for action.

And I'm going to have to go for a tie for number one:

Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker: From the Star Wars movies. Darth Vader, in the original trilogy, is the big bad of the galaxy. Anakin, in the prequel trilogy, is a bratty young kid with delusions of grandeur that ultimately lead to him becoming Darth Vader. Anakin is responsible for the slaughter of an entire Tusken Raider village/camp, slaughters innumerable Jedi and Jedi younglings, becomes Darth Vader and hunts down the remaining Jedi to extinction, and spends 18 years terrorizing not only the galaxy at large as the Emperor's Enforcer, but also pretty well terrorizes his own navy by being ruthless.


Angelus: from Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel TV series'. Jenny Calendar: Need I say more?

EDIT: Gah! I forgot about Megatron II!! When MCF first posted about the blog party last week I started mentally composing my list and Megatron II from Beast Wars topped my list!! He's definitely more villainous than my top 2 picks. He robbed an entire planet full of beings of their "souls" and kept them bottled up for his own personal use! That's villainy!



MCF said...

Wilkins...yeah, the scariest thing about him was the deceptive normality. He was all smiles and handshakes like any politician, and lying about his agenda as well. His agenda was just to become a big immortal snake and devour all in his path. Actually, the big snake was pretty scary too...

Thank you for justifying Beast Machines in one sentence, too. For all its flaws and inferiority to Beast Wars, it definitely had a Megatron at the peak of his evil, conquering Cybertron, yet another thing his predecessor failed to do.

Jerry Novick said...

Wilkins -- good one! Though aren't all school principles considered evil as a matter of course?

I think Farrah Fawcett from Saturn 3 would consider Lee Majors a scarrier villain though.

Kurgan almost made my list, but he didn't fit my theme of villains who were deceivers. Kurgan was flat out evil!