Thursday, April 28, 2005

Forget blog parties...

Because I'm very busy with my own pity party. I'm just having one of those nights, when I can't think of a single redeeming quality that I posess. I'm unemployed, so I'm not contributing financially to the household. I'm a poor housekeeper, snappish wife, impatient mother, ineffective volunteer coordinator, mediocre friend, and all around why-do-I-even-bother type. Ugh.

Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.



kevbayer said...

Kev rebutts:

-"unemployed" But you're seeking employment.

-"poor housekeeper", You have 3 messy children and it's a decathalon to keep up with their mess... and you scrapbook.

-"snappish wife", what does that even mean? You're a wonderful wife! And when certain circumstances occur, you react perfectly normally.

-"impatient mother", We all become impatient with our children at times. You got nothin' on me there, babe!

-"ineffective volunteer coordinator", No - the other parents are just losers. You volunteer because you care. They just go to watch their kids because they have to.

-"mediocre friend", No, you're just overly busy - and very tired. If your friends can't cut you some slack and give you your space and some time just for yourself, then they are selfish and they don't deserve your friendship.

-"all around why-do-I-even-bother type", you're just burnt out. You bother because you care. Because you are a good person, a great mom, and a caring friend, a wonderful, loving wife, and a not-so-bad blogger :-)

After this week, you just need some "Rubi Time".

And a date with me to go see HGTTG!


kevbayer said...

Hey! Maybe we should have a Pity Blog Party!
Or would that be a Blog Pity Party?