"The murals in restaurants are on par with the food in museums." -Peter DeVries
1) Do you enjoy eating out and why? OH YEAH! I like eating a meal I don't have to prepare myself. I like people bringing it to me. I like spending time with just Rubi over a nice meal away from home.
2) Where is your favorite restaurant? Hmmm... Too many to name. I like Turoni's for the best pizza in town. I like Olive Garden for italian. I like LoneStar for steak, Los Bravos for mexican.
3) What are your standards for tipping? If the service is at least adequate, I try to tip about 20 percent. If the service is sub-standard or just plain bad, I leave a few coins. I try to tip well because Rubi used to wait tables, so I know wait-staff don't get paid well and depend on tips.
4) Do you have one entree, appetizer or dessert that you specifically go out to get at a restaurant from time to time? Definitely. I'm boring when it comes to that... I like specific things at each place we go to. Sometimes I'll try something different, but usually go back to the same ol' same ol'. Turoni's I get a pepperoni and chicken pizza. Olive Garden I get lasagna (and a gazillion breadsticks). Los Bravos I get the #4 combination dinner. Ritter's Frozen Custard I get vanilla. Baskin Robbins I get a scoop of french vanilla and a scoop of daquiri ice together in a cup.
5) Describe a horrific experience that you had while dining out. The Hacienda wait staff singing to me on my birthday! Just kidding - That was unexpected, but kinda fun. Hmmm... I can't really think of anything horrific that's happened while dining out - Lucky me, I guess.
Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Sunday Brunch for May 28, 2005
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