Sunday, November 20, 2005


I'm coining a new term for certain blog posts (of mine). Am I allowed to do that?

"THINKS": Term combining the words Things and Links: an assortment of images, links, games, trivia, memes, minutia, and whatnot found while browsing and mentioned collectively in a blog or message-board posts. As in Phantasmic Links or Linky Goodness.

My Thinks could include: sites I've found while browsing but haven't had a chance to explore and intend to in the future, links I've found or been directed to that I've enjoyed and want to share, interesting pictures or cartoons, links to posts on other blogs that I find interesting, or whatever else I decide to throw in. I may post my Thinks weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or haphazardly (probably the latter).

Now, presenting - in Amazing Technicolor - this weeks linky g-- I mean Thinks:

I mentioned awhile back that my area was hit by a killer tornado November 6. Here is a slide show from the Red Cross with images of the damage set to music.

One of my coworkers found an Here's a website for doing just that. And in a similar vein, a site with "fantasy"-themed music.

I found two e-zines devoted to Christian science-fiction and fantasy! Now if I can just find the time to actually browse around them and read some of the stuff...

And because I'm a freak - I like to read about conspiracy theories. This site is a kind of clearing house for them.

I found an on-line community for Christian Writer, oddly enough called

That's all the Thinksing for the this week...

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MCF said...

"ultimate background music channel for fantasy roleplaying game sessions as well as other events"

Wow that's wonderfully geeky. =)

kevbayer said...

Yes :- ) Isn't it!