Christmas Meme
ReGifted by MCF.
1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider?
Umm... Chocolate Milk?
2. Turkey or Ham?
3. Do you get a Fake or Real you cut it yourself christmas tree?
I'd prefer artificial, since that's what I grew up with. Rubi prefers real (that someone else cuts) since that's what she grew up with, and she likes the smell. I don't like the mess, maintenance, and disposal of real trees.
4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
No. I'm too lazy for that. Plus... don't want to make people look at the ugly that is the outside of our house.
5. Snowball fights or sleddin?
Ok! where and when?
6. Do you enjoy Going downtown shopping?
We don't have much shopping downtown. Our shopping mecca is "The East Side", and I abhor it.
7. Favorite Christmas song?
Can't think of one. I like many of them, especially the traditional ones. And often sung by Country music artists. I don't really like country music, but the artists sure can sing Christmas music!
8. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
Scrooged and the animated Grinch movie are the best!
9. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
Before December 15th is too early in my book. Before that, and I'm sick of hearing them by Christmas Day.
10. Stockings before or after presents?
Gosh... I can't remember. Seems sometimes the stocking stuffers would spoil the gifts, as they were supporting items. Other times, stocking stuffers were just trinkets, or additional small gifts and candies that could go before or after. Rubi says we do them before.
11. Carolers, do you or do you not watch and listen to them?
We don't get Carolers. If we did, I'd probably watch, applaud, and maybe even offer them hot chocolate if I had styrofoam cups in the house.
12. Go to someone elses house or they come to you?
Always go to someone elses house. Our house is not for entertaining. Too small and kid friendly.
13. Do you read the Christmas Story? If so when?
Usually. I think I forgot to last year. But I try to make that a tradition. If I remember, I read it just before we open presents.
14. What do you do after presents and dinner?
Usually it's dinner then presents - then, depending on where we are, the adults sit around and chat while the kiddos play. Or we pack up quickly and race to another parents house. This we're lucky and don't have to rush at all. I took vacation time for the entire week around Christmas, and We're doing Christmas Eve at my parents and Day at Rubi's parents.
15. What is your favorite holiday smell?
Don't think I have one.
16. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
Why is napping not on that list? I guess I'd rather ice skate, even though I'm horrible at it and have only been two or three times in my entire life (once, before we were married, when I tried to fix up Rubi with my best friend! But that's another story!) I dislike the mall that much.
17. Do you open a present or presents on Christmas Eve, or wait until Christmas day?
Depends. The kids, always on Christmas morning. Sometimes Rubi can't wait though, so she and I might do our Christmas on Christmas Eve after the kids have gone to bed.
18. Favorite Christmas memory?
Hmm... the only one I can really think of is when I was young, one year instead of everyone coming to my parents house, we went to one the apartment of my middle sister. It snowing, but not much. I guess that one stands out because it was different from the status quo.
19. Favorite Part about winter?
The quiet calmness when the ground is covered with fresh snow.
20. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
That's what my darling Rubi is for. I need to go find her now!

1 comment:
Scrooged! Awesome flik. Caught part of it recently and recognized Smallville's John Glover by voice only, since he had no beard or mane and had blonde hair.
Later this week I may have to list MCF's holiday favorites...
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