THINKS June 2, 2006
Took the day off from work today, in anticipation of working 12 hours tomorrow night from 7 pm to 7 am (Sunday morning) and then doubling back 8 hours later (Sunday afternoon) to my normal 2nd shift hours of 3 pm to 11 pm. So... no sleep for Kev tomorrow.
I spent the day today hanging with my boy while Rubi and the girls went to a friends house. Alexander and I went to Krispy Kreme for a late breakfast, CiCi's Pizza for a late lunch, then to the dollar store where Alexander picked up a couple of fun toys - a blister pack of "Magna Links" (generic Magnetix), and one of those basketball goals that you mount to your wall or door and throw a small orange foam sponge basketball at and always miss unless you are standing right next to it. While at the dollar store, I found a hardback novel that I had been meaning to read, "Shadowmancer". I grabbed that too and will eventually get around to reading it.
Also on my list of things to read is the new Star Wars novel "Legacy of the Force".
Other Christian Fiction I plan to read is a series about life before the Great Flood, called the Cradleland Chronicles. The first book is now available for free as a podcast!
Other podcasts I've found recently are official gubment podcasts - podcasts from government organizations. Haven't actually listened to any yet, no, I take that back - I did listen to one about NASA budgeting and turned it off about halfway through because it got repetitive.
Awhile back, I mentioned Palladium Books being in dire straights. Here come's Johnny with an update now.
I signed up on Paperback Swap. Haven't listed anything yet, but I will.
Rubi and I went to see X-men3 last night. She didn't really like it. But she's a girl, and not a fan, and really knows nothing about the X-Men at all - So I can't fault her. She kept leaning over to me asking "What's the Blue guys powers beside being hairy?". Really, it was great watching it with her, because she and I share a ...silly sense of humor and laughed together knowingly at some stuff that hardly anyone else would laugh at, let alone "get". There was one scene involving military handgestures, where she snickered and then we both started laughing pretty hard (but quietly so as not to disturb the other 8 people in the theatre with us). The scene reminded us of a funny scene from an ep of Buffy featuring Riley. As for me, I thought X-Men3 was okay. I enjoyed the other two. I know a little of the X-men story and some of the characters history - the movies are definitely an AU from the source material. I won't spoil anything, but there's some great stuff for the fanboys and - you need to stay all the way through the end of the credits. Next geekfest she gets to see with me: Superman Returns.
Rubi and I have another date planned later this month (two actually or more). We'll be going to see a showing of Serenity in Bloomington.
As well as seeing a showing of Serenity on the big screen in Louisville.
That's all for now.
"THINKS": Kev's term combining the words Things and Links: an assortment of images, links, games, trivia, memes, minutia, and whatnot found while browsing and mentioned collectively in a blog or message-board posts.

In regard to your comment over at my blog, I actually didn't notice a difference in the music. The opening sequence through Angel's DNA deviated slightly from the first two movies visually, once it switched to the vaccine factory, but then they closed on the round X door for continuity.
Did Rubi like the first two movies? I think your experience captures the problem with this one, that too much was left to the fans with previous knowledge. As much as it "ultimized" and changed the source material, out of necessity to make a cohesive film, there was definitely a lot that would be over a non-comic reader's head. Until the very last battle at Alcatraz, Beast's mutation very well could be cosmetic and passive since unless you know the character, Kelsey Grammar in paint and fur and a suit is exactly that, and not an acrobat with apelike agility and strength.
I thought it was great that they had R. Lee Ermey barking orders at the soldiers.
Rubi hasn't seen the first two, at least not completely, and not enough to be familiar with the characters or their power.
And I'm just a sideline fan, I know a little about the characters and their abilities and backstory, but I've never owned a copy of an Xmen comic. I've read a handful. Watched the cartoons a bit. Most of what I know is from discussions with other fans as I was growing up (I was friend with a kid that spent probably $15-$20 on comics a week, and that was in the early 1980s!) and from sources on the internet. (I don't even know who R. Lee Ermey is!) And I had to wikipedia Dr. Moira to figure out who exactly she was.
As for the music - I noticed it right from the start.
Oh! R. Lee Ermey! The guy from Mail Call and Full Metal Jacket!
I didn't make the connection during the movie.
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