Yep, I just didn't get it. I've never read the comic books (They're comic books, right?), never seen the other movies, just don't get it. I'm the wrong breed of geek.
Hey MCF - that was Kelsey Grammar? Really?
I was okay most of the time. When that goofy kid leaped off the table and spread his wings, dramatic music all dun-dun-DUNNNN!!!, I nearly choked to death trying to muffle my laughter. He just looked so silly. Snerk.
And the military hand gesture Kev referred to was very similar to Riley's in Fool For Love (BtVS Season 5...Oh, good grief, I'm SUCH a geek.) See: http://www.moviemistakes.com/name2620 Heh...choo choo.
And when they went flying to the rescue, and found the bad guys awaiting: "Go to stealth mode!" Switch was flipped, plane turned invisible, and I was DONE. No, I'm sorry, this has just gotten too silly. I went for drink refills.

You really didn't know that was Kelsey Grammar?
Looked just like him (except for, you know, blue) and sounded like him.
I laughed at the Angel scene, especially how long that kid held the pose with his chin up looking off to the left at nothing in particular. That was ridiculous.
As a comic fan used to silliness like Wonder Woman's "Invisible" jet, the stealth mode bit didn't strike me as odd. It's a good point though. In the first movie, they can fool radar, tech which does exist, but in order to sneak on to Liberty Island they need visual cover as well and Storm has to create a fog. I guess they upgraded the jet in the last 2 films. Since this one showed a Danger Room with holographic projection technology, I'd assume they employed the same tech in the ship. In the comics, they get that tech from an advanced alien race known as the Shi-ar. That definitely wouldn't have worked in a movie; comics get away with a lot more.
I think your experience proves X3 wasn't for everyone.
As for Kelsey Grammer: "ORORO!CHAAARLES! NILES!" ::boisterours laugh:: :)
Wsa it just me, or did I hear the President say "Thend them in!" when the military guys raided Magneto's camp?
After reading your thoughts on X3, I'm such a bigger phan now!
Everybody sing with me -
"Don't go changin'..."
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