Kevin and Rubi have been happily married and in love for over fifteen years and have three great kids. He's a Public Safety Communications Supervisor and a "fantastic fiction" geek. She's a wonderful wife and a great mom, and writes about computer games for a living at Massively.com. Kev and Rubi enjoy spending as much time together as they can given their busy lives.
Posted By Rubi at 9/15/2006 07:46:00 PM
Elizabeth knows all the words to Joan Jett's I Love Rock And Roll, as well as We Will Rock You. I can only assume she learned it by osmosis, having the parents that she does.
Also? If you turn off that particular mashup mid-song, she will get terribly annoyed.
Something that I did not know.
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well for one thing you know and i know that i know "we will rock you" for one private reason, and i also told you that i know "i love rock and roll" correct?
Yes Elizabeth, we know you know We Will Rock You from cheerleading (but all the verses?)...
I have no idea where you learned the words to I Love Rock and Roll though.
Also, daughter: "I" should be capitalized. Even when writing on the internet.
Agreed. Internet speak is no excuse for poor capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Also? Mouth.
This is kinda embarrising but.. im( oops ) Im so sorry about the I,s
Both those songs are in commercials on TV. That might be where they picked them up. Back to books, kids!
Hahaha you guys crack me up!! Rubi-check your myspace page out. I left a comment for Elizabeth.! Love u!
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