Thursday Fandom 10-26-06

Kevin and Rubi have been happily married and in love for over fifteen years and have three great kids. He's a Public Safety Communications Supervisor and a "fantastic fiction" geek. She's a wonderful wife and a great mom, and writes about computer games for a living at Massively.com. Kev and Rubi enjoy spending as much time together as they can given their busy lives.
Posted By kevbayer at 10/26/2006 10:35:00 PM
Thursday Fandom 10-26-06
The Bayer Family Network of Blogs:
The Bayer Family Blog
Sporadic Book Reviews
Moms Want To Play Too
The Hot Chick and Fat Guy Podcast
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature,
including text and photographs, created by Kevin Bayer, or Rubi Bayer, or
any member of The Bayer Family, and included within this weblog and any
related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
Ollie is very prominent in JLU, the first season of which is now available on DVD. You can also find the series online.
I'm liking the inclusion of him this season and the natural progression toward forming the league. A while back people thought Lex might have gone to school with a young Bruce Wayne. We never got that, but Ollie is the next best thing.
I didn't mind the astral projection so much as the quick defeat and convenient death that wasn't Clark's fault. I like that they downplayed the K-villain aspect(although I knew it was going to be Kryptonite as it always is), but the "villain sees Clark use powers then dies" routine was old four seasons ago. Nevertheless, this is the best the show has been in a while. Can't wait to see the Fortress restored and more on the zoners, and I'm liking Lois' development into a reporter.
I hope to get all of JL and JLU on DVD at some point. I'm looking forward to an upcoming ep of Smallville called "Justice" that is supposed to feature Clark, GA, Bart (Flash), Arthur (Aquaman), and I think Cyborg - the real first beginnings of the Justice League Smallville-style...
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