Reading In Bed
Reading in bed

Kevin and Rubi have been happily married and in love for over fifteen years and have three great kids. He's a Public Safety Communications Supervisor and a "fantastic fiction" geek. She's a wonderful wife and a great mom, and writes about computer games for a living at Massively.com. Kev and Rubi enjoy spending as much time together as they can given their busy lives.
Posted By kevbayer at 10/26/2006 12:46:00 AM
Reading In Bed
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1 comment:
Yesterday I asked my daughter to bring me my book from the table next to the couch. "Which one? There's six!" And, yes, I'm in process with each one. I often doze off while I'm reading in bed, which is why I lay on my stomach. It's much less painful for my face to hit the book than a book to hit my face!
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