Save VMK!!
Sadly, The people at VMK have decided to close it. A very important website I've noticed is www.savevmk.com Please sign to help everybody!
Thank you Isadora for all you're doing and all the time you're giving up to help VMK and it's residents!
On this website, I found news that a protest in Disneyland to Save VMK is going on May 10th. And much, much more! Here are a few of the comments I found on there:
i know someone that has a very rare condition. her body cant feel pain and cant control her body temperature. so she stays inside her home most of her life in a controled temperature environment. if she dares to go somewhere, she has to wear what looks like a vest packed with ice packs. she is home schooled. since she cant go outside to play with other kids and has to be carefully monitored in her activites, she plays vmk. on vmk, people dont know she has this condition. she can have fun and be just like any other normal little girl. she doesnt have to be concerned about the temperature or being careful because of the virtual environment. it also helps her with typing, reading, writing, and some spelling. it also gives her parents a break from monitoring her activies 24/7. they know she is safe on vmk. now what will she do????? they are just being down right cruel to do this to her. when she found out what was happening, she was in tears for nearly an hour. please vmk staff or whoever is doing this, DONT CLOSE VMK. DO IT FOR HER. DO IT FOR LITTLE KIDS ALL OVER WHO MAY HAVE RARE CONDITIONS AND VMK IS THERE ONE CHANCE AT FREEDOM!
My niece is handicapped and is confined to a wheel chair or laying down, her social life is very limited due to her disability. VMK offers her the ability to form friendships, and enables her to have the pleasure of walking, shop, decorate, play games she normally can't play, swim, drive, diving in the ocean, barter, and other skills she can't use in her reality. I can't understand how Disney ( a company geared towards magic with children) cannot have the compassion to keep this website open for the disabled.
Hello Everyone, I have been born with a type of Dwarfism that I can't even begin to spell.. I am made fun of at school all the time because of my hight, but on VMK was the first time I realized that just because I had a problem outside I have an extreme love for Disney.. I love Disney and they should just let us win.. this one time..
These were just a few of the comments that made me want to save VMK all the more. Please help!

Thank you for your post...I will also use these comments at my blog www.vmkblog.com. I have lots of info there and I have been working with IsadoraQ to help Save VMK!
Thank you for your kind words. Save VMK! God bless!!
i never actually played VMK for more then five minutes, but i cant imagine how i would feel if GuildWars got shut down, so i will definitely sign this pettition. Do unto Others.
Happy Mothers Day Annja!
(Hey Elizabeth, giver your mom a hug for me)
hi i go on vmk to im lgomstr shout if you know me
lgomstr its me ace :) i missed u :P btw go to this website www.vmkmagic.com and look up Acegabby_foreve cya laterz
hey ace :)
ok ace one plz tell elizabeth king ect that i will most likely never see them again :( long story don't ask and also on youtube why does it say your 13 while vmk magic it says that you are 15? -lgomstr
hey lgomstr y ya say u never wanna c me and king again ur alrdy not gonna be seein king again well bc he is dead for good and well i u alrdy no im alive so yeah y did ya say that?
king is dead what?? oh and i didn't say that i don't want to see you again i said that i most likely won't bc i am not supposed to talk to ppl online anymore and is this elizabeth?
duh it is who else wud it b? does any1 else on this site no king? i guess not lol king died on the sec day of our vacation he drownd - elizabeth reed
and your acting ok with this?? you lied to me about me talking to him on the phone? Why does so many bad things happen in yur life?! why not just use another one of yer magic things and why didn't you tell me????? - lgomstr
like theres no other spells to revive him we searched everywhere nada n i guess were just unlucky n i didnt want to tell u bc i didnt want to dissapoint u it was too sad for mi to say over the phone :'((( - elizabeth reed
oh.. elizabeth i know a way for you to see a pic of me online call me or meet me on pirates i am on right now!
Uh NO. She won't.
don't worry person it ain't yer elizabeth
ok damen um ill call u bc im sorta stuck on a site called dance online kk - elizabeth reed
tigerkimstkd.com -.-
lolz im srry for miss understanding u damen im bad at hearing right now cuz i got back from the river n eyes r still a lil hurt hahaha ill try to send u a pic of me someday if my mom will let mi use my address again lolz till then ill c wat i can do ta ta ^^ hehe
Who are you people?
And why are you carrying on a conversation here?
sorry long story we will stop since vmk closed down we have to talk with these things sorry again
haha damen es the one that gotted mi on this blog hahaha just to talk to eachother :P hehe - elizabeth
Elizabeth tell everybody to post there comments to my messages on YouTube to post it so I can see it while logged on pls just trust me!!!! - lgomstr
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