Two Words
From Carrie:
1. Where is your cell phone? Black case
2. Where is your significant other? over there
3. Your hair? on head
4. Your mother? knee trouble
5. Your father? can't hear
6. Your favorite thing? nap time
7. Your dream last night? can't remember
8. Your favorite drink? cool water
9. Your dream/goal? win lottery
10. The room you’re in? living room
11. Your hobby? nap time
12. Your fear? any spiders
13. Where you want to be in 6 years? spending lottery
14. Where were you last night? at work
15. What you’re not? at work
16. Muffins? Yes please
17. One of your wish list items? win lottery
18. Where you grew up? this town
19. The last thing you did? typed answer
20. What are you wearing? pants, shirt
21. Your TV? behind me
22. Your pets? don't have
23. Your computer? time consuming
24. Your life? too busy
25. Your mood? kinda tired
26. Missing someone? not really
27. Your car? needs wash
28. Something you’re not wearing? my shoes
29. Favorite store? cheap place
30. Your summer? hot, humid
31. Like someone? like, who?
32. Your favorite color? it's blue!
33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier today
34. Last time you cried? can't remember

Nice blog. kudos!
Kev, it's sad that you can't rememer the last time you cried.
Dude, give me a guitar and three weeks and i could make that a nice little ditty!
Okay, I have to ask - do you actually play the lottery? And if you win, will your favorite store change? ;)
I do try to grab a powerball or state lottery ticket once or twice a week, when I remember.
If we win... I don't think my favorite store will change - I'm a cheapskate. But you never know :-)
You weren't wearing any underwear? Seriously? ^_^
Dork ;-)
I could only answer with two words and chose not to include that as one of my words!
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