Seems like that's the truth sometimes!
Sometimes this comic-strip hits the family-life nail dead on the head:

Kevin and Rubi have been happily married and in love for over fifteen years and have three great kids. He's a Public Safety Communications Supervisor and a "fantastic fiction" geek. She's a wonderful wife and a great mom, and writes about computer games for a living at Massively.com. Kev and Rubi enjoy spending as much time together as they can given their busy lives.
Posted By kevbayer at 6/10/2008 11:36:00 AM
Sometimes this comic-strip hits the family-life nail dead on the head:
Seems like that's the truth sometimes!
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I love Baby Blues, though I am glad that my kids have gotten past that stage to. For the most part.
Bang up job indeed! posh! tea! crumpets!
actually, the comic before the one before that with the healthy food and the mom fits my family exactly.
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