YAM: Yet Another Meme
Been awhile since I've blogged, well, anything... so stealing from Carrie, here's a meme.
Accent: Generic mid-west. With some southern thrown in y'all.
Breakfast or no breakfast: I absolutely adore breakfast. I could eat breakfast all day for every meal. Eggs, Bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, biscuits with jelly, buttered toast, dry toast, toast with jelly, blueberry muffins, cinammon rolls, pancakes, donuts, my mother-in-laws breakfast casserole, fast food, home-cooked, microwaved, packaged, brown-bagged - I love breakfast. But I rarely eat it. I've read lately that I'm supposed to eat a good breakfast to curb hunger the rest of the day... but if I get started with breakfast, that just gets me started and I don't want to stop! Lately, though, when I do have breakfast, it's usually an egg and turkey bacon on a whole-wheat tortilla shell, or a slimfast shake.
Chore I don’t care for: Yes.
Dog or Cat: Yes, if I can give them back to the owner. I like animals; I've had a dog, and cats, I just don't want the responsibility anymore.
Essential Electronics: meh... Take `em all away. Then I'd have more time to read good books.
Favorite Cologne: Nope.
Gold or Silver: Gold, I guess. Just my wedding ring.
Handtools or powertools: Whatever makes the job easiest.
Insomnia: Sometimes.
Job Title: needs more money.
Kids: need to wash more often
Living Arrangements: I'm blessed to have a home.
Most Admirable Trait: I don't have any, I'm a grumpy old man.
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Whoa, I plead the Fifth on this one.
Overnight hospital stays: None that I can remember that were for me. I've always stayed with Rubi when she had to stay overnight for birthing or whatever.
Phobias: Not really a phobia, but I don't like spiders or any other bugs really.
Quote: "It's my day off!!"
Reason to smile: see Quote.
Siblings: I have three older sisters and an older brother.
Time I wake up: Depends. During the school year anywhere between 5:30am and 6:30am. Saturdays or during the summer when we don't have to be anywhere, I could sleep in until anywhere between 7am and 9am.
Unusual Talent or Skill: I can get steaming mad, let you know it, and then be fine an instant later.
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Refuse? I don't know. There are a bunch I really don't like though.
Worst Habit: hang on... I'll get to this later.
X-rays: I've had some, yes. Can't remember all of them. A finger injury in elementary school, a skateboarding accident with a really badly sprained ankle, my entire chest and head to search for headache problems, dental x-rays...
Yummy Stuff: Cake, cinammon rolls, cheesecake, pizza, steak,
Zoo Animal I Like Most: I'm not fond of zoos, really. I'd rather see animals out in their own habitat where they could come up and eat me for a snack. I don't know, bears, tigers, etc... furry four-legged things.

Baby of the family, huh?
I like your answer to Chore you like least.
Yep, I'm the baby!! And chores... yeah, That's why we have kids, isn't it? So they can do the chores!
So four leged furry things, like a chupacabra? or a yeti?
Logen, you haven't studied your cryptozoology closely enough...
Both of those are two-legged cryptids. Granted the chupacabra reportedly kind of lopes along using its arms similar to the way simeans do... but still.
Chores sux
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