The Decade in Review
The first decade of the 21st Century: the naughts, the aughts, the naughties, the ohs?
Let's see what has transpired for The Bayer Family over the past decade.
2000: Alexander, our second child, is born. Yay! (Lizzy was born last century!)
2001: Catherine, our third child and second daughter, is born. Yay! (How'd that happen?)
2002: Lizzy started Kindergarten at the same private school I attended.
2003: I registered this blog... then waited a year to begin posting
2004: Rubi and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary on our first family trip to Walt Disney World! Thanks to Rubi's parents.
2005: I started reviewing books on this blog, and elsewhere, occasionally.
2006: Rubi and I became fans of Firefly via the DVDs.
2007: Our second family trip to Walt Disney World! Thanks Rubi's parents!
2008: Rubi and I took up in-line skating for the spring.
2009: Rubi and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary!

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