Friday, April 15, 2005

I missed the party.

I got busy this week and I missed the 3rd Blog Party.
I'm disappointed. I'll have to make sure to make an appearance at the 4th... whenever it happens.


1 comment:

MCF said...

....and the Party missed the Bayers! No worries; the trend is growing. The Write Jerry surprised everyone with an Impromptu Blog Party, FawnDoo's announced his upcoming Blog Party(no date or theme set yet), and AverageJoe has expressed interest in hosting one. I'd definitely support a Bayer Blog Party. :)

As for MCF BPIV, I know WHAT it will be, just not when. I'll wait a few weeks as usual and give some of my neighbors the opportunity to host. I think I'll more than likely have one on Memorial Day, but there's probably time between now and then for me to have another one; we'll see. Catch you next time!