Blog Party: Favorite Films
Film Geeks is hosting a blog party: "What are your Favorite Films?"
Sheesh... that means I have to pick.
Too hard! Too hard!
Star Wars, of course (the original, Episode IV).
The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars Episode V)
Hudson Hawk.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Uh... Star Trek 2, 4, and 6.
The Princess Bride.
Star Wars the saga (as a whole).
The Hunt For Red October.
Tranformers: The Movie.
The Muppet Movie.
The Dark Crystal.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
There are many many more movies I really really like, but I wouldn't call them favorites.
Some of those include, but absolutely aren't limited to:
Spiderman 1 and 2.
Batman (Tim Burton's. Haven't seen Batman Begins yet).
Independence Day.
X-men 1 and 2.
The Jackal (thanks to MCF for reminding me about that one).
The Philadelphia Story.
The Incredibles.
Toy Story 1 and 2.
Disney's Peter Pan.
The Lion King.
Disney's Aladdin.
Ugh... My brain hurts!
This is too hard.

Hudson Hawk? I'd completely forgotten about that movie. Monty Python's Holy Grail is one of those movies that I'd say is perpetually funny... and the Dark Crystal! Wow, talk about a blast from the past! Great list!
Yeah Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of the all-time greats!
And Hudson Hawk - I like it when Bruce Willis does slapstick.
And I plan on seeing Batman Begins as soon as Rubi and I can make plans to do so.
But there are just so dang-many movies we want to see this summer!
I think the general attitude is that most people tried really hard to forget about Hudson Hawk - but I think it's really funny, and has an interesting story too...
And Andie Macdowell!
You know, I've never seen Hudson Hawk. I also have a penchant for liking movies most people universally pan(for example, I'm not wishing I had put UHF on my list).
War of the Worlds opens this week, and next week FF, so you'll have those AND Batman to get to--having kids is rough, eh? :)
Great list! Dark Crystal was an awesome choice as was Princess Bride!
This really WAS too hard....
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