Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yay! No wait - Ugh! No wait...

George Lucas has found yet another way to hose us, I mean sell us what we want.
For a limited time only!
Buy the Original Star Wars Trilogy as it was seen in theaters!
The only catch is, the DVDs you buy also have the updated versions with all the extra effects and Greedo shooting first and whatnot... the versions we already have on DVD.
Yes. I will be buying them.
Yes, George Lucas is a money-hungry somethingsomething.
Yes I'm a sheep.
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MCF said...

And in a few months, you'll have the option of buying ithe spec eds on HDDVD or Blu Ray, and in another year or so when the format wars are over, the original trilogy will be released AGAIN.

I'm pretty sure the format thing is WHY he's releasing it now. He always planned to but soon DVDs will be obsolete, so he has to catch the waning tech now. Skywalker ranch doesn't pay for itself you know. =)

kevbayer said...

That's right. I pay for it!