We had a brief but nasty thunderstorm the other night, and my poor vegetable garden didn't weather it very well. My tomato plants, still in their wire cages, were flattened. I've propped them up and stabilized the cages with the help of some twine, but I don't know. I had to cut the cages off of two of them, and one plant is looking pretty wilted this morning. We'll see what happens - my fingers are crossed. There are a ton of little green tomatoes on the plants, and I'd like them to get the chance to ripen.
The peas aren't looking that great either. They're planted in a row, and over time, have grown and tangled themselves up with one another into sort of a snap pea hedge. The storm blew the "hedge" off of the netting that it was climbing, so it's all practically lying on the ground. I'm not quite sure what to do about that yet, but I have a few ideas. Again, my fingers are crossed.
The beans did okay, except that some of the tomato plants fell on them. I'm trying to keep them from being flattened as gigantic tomato plants flop around.

Aww, poor Rubster. (roob-ster, don't hit me Kev!) we got hit by a thunderstorom last night... :\
As much as I love the eating, I am delighted not to be doing the growing of veggies anymore. I just bask in the generosity of my daughter
Well Logen, at least you're not calling her "Annja" anymore :-)
And Lorna - that's great that your daughter is generous with her veggies! It's nice when friends and family with gardens share the "fruits" of their labor. Of course, sometimes you end up with way too many zuchinis to know what to do with :-)
It's pretty funny that you referred to him as Logen in that first sentence, if you think about it.
oh, i still call her Annja occasionally! i'm just afraid she'll hurt me if i call her Mrs. Bayer.
She really is Mrs. Bayer, though. She won't get mad, Hunter. :-)
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