Thursday, November 13, 2008

If you saw me

If you saw ME in a police car, what would you think I got arrested for?

Answer me in the comments.  Let's see what kind of crimes I get accused of!

(Found at MommyBrain.)




Hunt said...

Being suspicious with your fuzzy Lumberjack mountainman beard that stretches to your knees and your flanal shirt and your axe. that cop would be thinking: "No way a man under 80 has a beard that amazing, he must be doing drugs!" though he wouldn't notcie the axe.

Elizabeth said...

You know what, I'm not gonna answer that, because you'd probably ground me. XD

Anonymous said...

hi its alexander ummmm...
ooh! i lost it. saying hi. :D

Val said...

Tee-Hee! Terminal Geekness?