Saturday, February 14, 2009


MCF posts his 26th Astonishing Test...
Here are my answers:

1) Which pieces of (snail) mail do you typically open first or with the most urgency?
Books I receive from Paperbackswap.

2) You're under attack from some thugs; which fictional character from one of Joss Whedon's shows is best suited to help you out?
Duh: Buffy.

3) What is one compulsive habit you wish you could quit?

4) Of all the cartoons you may have watched as a child, which had the strongest lasting influence on your life?
Probably Transformers

SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: What functional type of fashion accessory is most common among the heroes of the DC Universe?



Anonymous said...

Hi Kev,

I was just dropping by your blog to say Hi, but WOW, I am so thrilled to see the button big and proud on your blog. Thanks so much!

Also, I just watched Serenity for the first time a month or so ago, and OMG!!! That is the best movie! Jeremy has promised to get all the seasons of Firefly so I can watch all those, too! I am such a Joss fan!

We really appreciate you reviews, and your contribution.


kevbayer said...

Thanks for stopping by Renee.
Glad you enjoyed Serenity! I'm sure you'll love Firefly as well.

MCF said...

But are capes all that functional? I have a feeling there will be a lot of dispute over this one; my answer is clearly subjective...

May the road turn smoothly beneath your wheels, or however that Autobot greeting goes...