Sunday, July 29, 2007

Funny list

I don't remember where I found this - I think in a work-related newsletter.
But it's fun, so I thought I'd share.

14 Things NOT to do While Taking a Driver's Test

1. Turn the radio on. When the tester goes to turn it off slap his/her hand.

2. Rev the car really high, turn to the tester, and say with an evil look, "buckle up!"

3. Come dressed in a suit. Before the examiner gets in the car, ask him/her to put a piece of saran wrap down so he doesn't dirty the seat.

4. When the examiner tells you to stop, pop the hood clutch and say "oops".

5. Get in the car, look down at the pedals, and say, "now which one is the gas again?"

6. After the examiner gets in the car, pop the hood, and get out and check the oil.

7. Fill your car with beer bottles.

8. The whole time driving, talk about how Aunt Gertrude smells like mothballs.

9. Tell the Registrar that you are taking the remedial test.

10. In the middle of driving, put your arm around the examiner.

11. Swear at everybody on the road.

12. When you stop at a light, start revving the engine while looking back and forth between the person next to you and the light.

13. Beep your horn at everything.

14. Break off your rear-view mirror and then ask the examiner to hold it up.




Thursday, July 26, 2007

I just don't know

Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) has been cast as a young Spock in the next Star Trek movie, which will feature younger versions of the familiar original series characters.

I think he'll make a good "young Spock". But I think the entire idea of movies featuring the original characters when they were younger is a bad idea. The ST movies (and the entire franchise) have been suffering for awhile. Voyager wasn't that great. Enterprise was just plain awful. Even when Enterprise was good, it still didn't compare to mediocre episodes of some of the other series. Even with the cheese factor all the series have.

Let the movies/tv side of the franchise rest for awhile - just continue to explore the universe in the novels.

Now Star Wars.... I am looking forward to the new SW cartoon and the eventual live-action series they have planned.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Blogging Tips Meme

SciFi Ranter Girl tagged me (thanks!) for a meme I first saw at SF Signal (where she was tagged).

The idea is to create an ever expanding links list of bloggers along with their tips on blogging. This list will probably humble me... since I've been bad about posting even semi-regularly lately.

-Start Copy-

It's very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)

Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general.

After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!

Just think- if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!

1. Look, read, and learn. *****

2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. *****

3. Don't let money change ya! ****

4. Always reply to your comments. ***

5. Link liberally -- it keeps you and your friends afloat in the Sea of Technorati. **

6. Don't give up - persistance is fertile. ***

7. Give link credit where credit is due. **

8. Never underestimate the power of a good looking blog. **

9. Edit. Nothing cries out "Stop Reading" like misspelled words and bad punctuation.

-End Copy-

Well. That's my addition to the list. I tag Carrie from Mommy Brain and the Mysterious Cloaked Figure. I'd tag my sister too, but she just started blogging. I'll post this on my LJ too. Anyway on my F-list there feel free to be tagged also!

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Catch-up

I finally got to see Transformers the other night.

I had a work/dinner meeting Thursday evening, and afterwards I had a little bit of time to kill before the flick started, so I went to Wally-World and bought Rubi's birthday gift and looked to see if they might have set out early a new game we want. They didn't have the game, but I got a great deal on an MP3 player that Rubi wanted for her birthday.

After that, I went to the theater where they paid me two dollars to go watch Transformers.  I had ten dollars in Movie Bucks, and the ticket was only eight dollars so I got actually two dollars back in cash!  Sweet!

I've been a Transformers fan off and on since I was a kid. Loved the cartoon, had some of the toys, read a handful of the comic books.  Dropped out of fandom pretty much after the original cartoon movie came out.  Occasionally noticed in stores that there were new Transformers that changed into bugs and animals (at the time, I thought they were rip-off brands). Then through the interwebs I heard that those toys were based on a cartoon that those toys were based on a new computer animated cartoon that was a story continuation of the original cartoon.

And that got me back into fandom.

I went into the movie expecting to maybe enjoy the film, but I had my reservations.  But I came out really liking it.  It was a fun ride.  Sure, there are some nitpicks, and a couple of scenes I wasn't fond of their nature, but on the whole the movie was a blast.  Mind you, it wasn't a deep movie with lots of hidden meaning, just a fun summer popcorn movie (but I passed on the popcorn this time).

Alexander's birthday was last week. In addition to some other great gifts, he got some Transformers stuff. I got him a CliffJumper keychain (that I wanted to keep for myself). He also got a couple of movie characters from his grandparents and his aunt.

In other news... the kids go back to school in like 4 weeks.  Sheesh, seems like "summer break" is nothing anymore.  Elizabeth has soccer tryouts this week. Alexander gets to play in the spring.  Catherine finally gets to go to "big school", she'll be in a kindergarten!

I found a new "game" online that I'm trying to get into called "Dark Pirates".  It was linked off the main page of another game I'm playing called Ogame. Both are free online games.  You should join me there. 

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Astonishing Test Eighteen

MCF resurrects the Astonishing Test.

It's EIGHTEEN and no life to go, so you know what that means! Here's another edition of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test:

1) What aspect of aging do you dread the most?

2) What's the wildest ethnic celebration you've ever participated in or encountered on the street?

3) Which characters would you like to see in the sequel to Transformers? If you're not familiar with the series, you can just suggest vehicles or other alternate forms you'd enjoy watching turn into robots.

4) Do you ever just go crazy or lose your temper and, if so, how do you cool down and regain rationality?

SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: What is “Purple Monkey Dishwasher”?

You will have one week to complete the test and post the answers on your blogs, leaving a link in the comments section. Next week I'll post your links, and share my answers.

So here are my answers:
1: The aspect of aging I dread the most is growing so feeble I have to rely on other people to do everything for me - losing my independence and ability to do things for myself.

2: The Freedom Festival in Evansville, Indiana that goes on for a couple of weeks leading up to the Fourth of July celebration.  As for "ethnicity", it is the summer celebration of all that is good and wholesome of our white trash population.  Everyone and his uncle heads to the riverfront at the crack of dawn with a cooler full of cheap beer and a ton of fireworks, modest clothing is optional.  By 9 A.M. everyone is totally drunk and has either hurt themselves using the fireworks, has succumbed to heat stroke, or has been arrested.
On-going during this revelry is Unlimited Hydroplane Racing on the river, the occasional flyby of aircraft participating the Freedom Festival Airshow, and "normal" people wandering about the riverfront enjoying themselves and, for some reason, feasting on deep-fried food in 100-degree heat and 98% humidity.

3.  In the inevitable sequel to Transformers, I hope to see a really impressive version of Soundwave and Ravage.  Barring that, because Soundwave is a fan favorite and I think the producers are afraid to mess with him, I'd like to see gestalts like the Constructicons or Arielbots.  Or some of the "minibots" like Cliffjumper and Brawn. Or the Dinobots.  Or triplechangers. 

4. I do occasionally lose my temper and flip out.  What really ticks off my wife is that I quickly calm down and go back to normal while she's still suffering from the effects of my temper and I'll like "Why are you still mad? I'm over it now."

5.  Purple Monkey Dishwasher sounds like a goofy name for a mixed drink.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

LOLcat Meme

Your Score: Serious Cat

47 % Affection, 35 % Excitability , 58 % Hunger

Hungry for knowledge in any internet forum, you demand decorum. Any off-topic remarks, absurd statements, or tomfoolery on the interweb is deeply frowned upon by you. Truth has no room for drollery.

Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid


Monday, July 16, 2007

It's been so long!!

Since there hasn't been a new post for a week, let alone my postings for awhile, thought I might as well post.. So here I am!
uh.. any post ideas? how about this, I play guild wars!
Hi "long lost twin sister :)"


Monday, July 09, 2007

The Autobiography Meme

1. Who took your default pic?
Don't remember.
2. Exactly what are you wearing right now?
Work polo (which I accidentally typed as Wolo) and jeans.
3. What is your current problem? 
Cash flow.
4. What makes you most happy?
Uninterrupted naps.
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Not listening to tunes at the moment, I'm at work.
6. Do you like MTV?
Chapter 1:
1. Nickname(s)?
Kev, Daddy, (How is that appearance?)
2. Eye color?
3. Hair color?
Chapter 2:
1. Are you family oriented?
2. Do you get along with your parent(s)?
3. Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
Happily married for over 50 years.
4. Do you have any siblings?
Four.  Three older sisters and an older brother, but not in that order.
Chapter 3:
1. Ice Cream:
French Vanilla.
2. Season:
3. Books:
Oh right, what kind of books. Sci-Fi and Fantasy, action/adventure, Suspense, and the Christian versions of those.
4. Band:
5. Food:
Oh wait, you want a real answer.  Pizza, steak.
6. Drink (non alcoholic):
7. Drink (alcoholic)
No thank you.  The only alcoholic drink I ever partake of is usually a couple of sips of Rubi's Amaretto Sours.
8. Color:
9. Pen color:
10. Store(s):
Online shopping.
Chapter 4:
1. Write on your hand?
Not on purpose.
2. Call people back?
Only if I absolutely have to.
3. Believe in love?
Well yeah.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
5. Any mental health issues??
Why? What have you heard?
Chapter 5:
Have You...
1. Broken a bone?
One of my bones?  No, just fractured a finger.
3. Had physical therapy? 
Yes. For headaches.
4. Gotten surgery?
"Gotten"? Yes, I've had surgery.
5. Taken painkillers?
6. Have you ever gone scuba diving/snorkeling?
7. Been stung by a bee?
Yes. When I was very young.
8. Have you ever thrown up in a doctors office? 
Not that I can remember. That usually happened at home or at school.
Chapter 6:
Who/what was the last:
1. Movie you saw in the movie theatres?
Can't remember. Plan to see Transformers ASAP.
2. Person to text you? 
Rubi, once, ages ago.
3. Thing you touched?
The keyboard to type this answer.
4. Thing you ate?
My dinner. A ham, turkey, cheese, and Doritos sandwich.
5. Thing you said?
I don't remember.  Something work related.
6. Had detention?
7. Person you hugged?
My darling wife Rubi.
9. Person you called?
Some guy that called 9-1-1 for something and I tried to call him back for more information.
10. Person to call you?
Call me specifically?  Rubi this afternoon on her way home home from work.
11. Book you read?
Star Trek New Frontier: Missing In Action.
12. Place you worked?
Where I'm currently sitting.  9-1-1.
13. Time you cleaned your room?
....uh, I refuse to answer this on the grounds that all the stuff piled on my dresser might fall and bury me alive.
(I added this section, it wasn't included in the original questionnaire.)
1. Burial, Donate to Science, or Cremation?
2. What will be written on your tombstone?
I don't want a gravesite, but if I had a tombstone I'd want something ludicrous or witty instead of sappy.
Maybe something like "Waddya know, 42! He was right." or "Note to self: Do not try that again!"
3. Sorrowful, respectful funeral or big party?
Have a party! Celebrate that I'm having a better time than you are!


Should I sell?

The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.


Thursday, July 05, 2007

How Many Kevs?
LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Look! Up In the Tree!

It's a Bird! It's a plane! It's...

I saw this pic posted at All The Rage and it made me smile. Hopefully it makes you smile too! 
Squirrels in-general make me smile.  They're just so... so... random.

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Which Sci-fi Crew?

You scored as Heart of Gold (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), You are a light and humorous person. No one can help but to smile to your wit. Now if only the improbability

drive would stop turning you into weird stuff.

Heart of Gold (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)


SG-1 (Stargate)


FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files)


Serenity (Firefly)


Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)


Deep Space Nine (Star Trek)


Babylon 5 (Babylon 5)


Bebop (Cowboy Bebop)


Enterprise D (Star Trek)


Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix)


Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda)


Moya (Farscape)


Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)


Which sci-fi crew would you best fit in with? (pics)
created with


Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Today was my first day back to work after a nice 8-day break from work.  And it's right back into the thick of things this week: I've got a 12-hour shift tomorrow and an extra day on my rotation Saturday paying back a trade for another supervisor who had worked a day for me recently.
On my vacation I did a whole bunch of nothin'.  In fact, I did so much nothin' that my grass is about a foot high and I forgot to get my mom a gift for her birthday.  I called her though to wish her a happy birthday and tell her we'd stop by this weekend.
I did get to do some reading on my vacation.  I got caught up on the Rogue Angel book series that Rubi and I are enjoying. I was four books behind and read three of them. I need to get the latest one that came out recently.  I also read the latest Star Trek Vanguard novel; and it seems like I read a couple of other books too but I don't remember what. 
I got to go to my local Star Wars Fanforce book club meeting. We didn't really talk Star Wars - it was a show and tell this month for everyone to talk about what they've been reading, Star Wars or otherwise. 
Rubi and I spent quite a lot of time on my vacation playing Guild Wars together trying to finish the game and had a blast doing it.  We're one mission away from "finishing" the game.  Cool thing about Guild Wars though - once you've finished the storyline of the game, there's still a ton more things you can do in the game to keep it fresh.
I had a great vacation and am ready for another one. If only I could figure out a way to take a 2-week vacation 26 times a year...
