Saturday, May 31, 2008

Little late..

Yeah, VMK closed a week and a half ago... but I'm gonna post this link again. ( And I hope to have it on the side of the blog soon! )


Lucky us, there's a new multiplayer online world for us to mess around in..

I'm a beta tester! Yay!

Beta testing is so much fun. I've seen people stuck on walls, people accidentally climbing trees, people walking on roofs, invisible people talking, yadayadayada.

The beta is already full, reaching to the height of about 50,000 beta testers. Me and a couple of my friends are in beta, but don't worry. You can still get on the waiting list:)



Last night there was a really big thunderstorm. Started with a bit of lightning. Lightning continued and thunder joined in. Then the rain came. Pretty soon if it wasn't a lighning flash, it was thunder, if it wasn't thunder, it was a shower of water on the window. Power went out a couple of times and the digital clock says it's 3:06. Hehe. But the internet is acting like its gonna "lose connection" again soon, so that's all I'm gonna say for now.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Here's what I'm annoyed about today.

Headline today:

Pr. William Passes Resolution Targeting Illegal Immigration

The entire article can be read here.

This confuses me. Why the outrage? Why the crying of racism? HI, you're in this country ILLEGALLY. Right? I don't wanna hear it.

This quote got me too:
"How are we supposed to survive here?" asked Gregorio Calderón, a legal U.S. resident from El Salvador who said he worries that police will harass him because of his ethnicity. "They're going to pull me over just for being Hispanic."

No they're not. They're going to pull you over if you break the law, dude. Don't break the law and you'll be fine. And even if you do decide to do something that will get you pulled over, and you're legal, it's fine. I'm pretty sure you will survive. I've been pulled over before, and I didn't die.

As far as the inevitable whining about racial profiling, I read something a few years ago that stuck with me, and hit the nail on the head. If the cops are searching for a 40 year old blonde white guy in a blue truck, and you get pulled over because you match that description, don't blame the cops. Blame the 40 year old blonde white guy in the blue truck that broke the law.

As always, other opinons are more than welcome.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Staff Smasher!

Ok, this is so funny. You've got to try it. It's pretty self explanatory. Only hit the people and not the animals. Post any funny phrases you hear because I wanna know them all.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

I thought of a cool title for this at 2AM, but forgot what it was.

So, yeah. We'll just go with "MMO stuff".

At any rate, I've been fascinated with The Daedalus Project lately. People have always interested me anyway - I love to know what motivates them, what they're thinking, feeling, doing, etc. So my little gamer self was thrilled to find this thing. I've been reading through it for a little over a week now, as well as reacquainting myself with some other gaming forums, just reading and thinking about why some of these people are the way they are.

Two things are especially interesting to me: romantic relationships formed ingame, and ingame persona vs. RL persona. The stereotypical view of romantic relationships seems to be "That's so pathetic, can't you get a girl IRL?", and I really disagree with that view for several reasons. Granted, there is that stereotypical guy in his 20's, unable to keep a job and living with his parents, and crawling around the internet looking for [cough] partners because it's easier than actually leaving the house. But I find he's a rarity. Right off the top of my head, I can think of three longstanding, successful, perfectly healthy relationships that were formed ingame. Two of them have become real-life, living in the same city, in it for the long haul relationships, and the third will be that way pretty soon. They met through a mutual hobby, just like many couples do, and it took off from there. Granted, it's an unconventional way to begin a relationship - not having met face to face, but it works. The creepy internet stalker and the person who found someone they have a lot in common with are two different types. It's the creepy internet stalker you hear the most about, though, so he becomes the face of internet relationships, so to speak. The normal people don't make much of a splash, they just kinda live their lives.

Not much to say on who you are IRL v. who you are ingame at this point, it's just starting to interest me. As a rule, though, I've found that the more you trumpet your awesomeness ingame (Constantly ranting about how you're the best healer, tank, have the most money, whatever), the more you have to compensate for IRL. It's not a hard and fast rule, there are exceptions, but it seems to hold true for a large part of the gamer population.

I'm very interested in opinions here, that aren't mine.


Friday, May 23, 2008

School's out!

School's out! Whee! Now whatta I do during summer? Ooh ooh! I know! Computer, gameboy, gamecube, more computer, get stung by something, more computer.

For our last day of school, we went to a rollerblading arena and to the mall food court for lunch. I managed to get a meal a chick~fil~a for 1.57, and some dippin' dots for 3.00. At the rollerblading arena, I payed for skate rental ( I think that was 3 or 4 dollars. ) bought a slushie for 1 dollar, got several light-up widgets for about 6.00, and played some video games, which used up 3.00.

During the last five minutes of school, the principal got on the intercom and started playing HSM2: Schools out on a radio in front of the intercom mic. We totally embarrassed ourselves in those last few minutes. Some girls started doing the macarena, while I ran to the front of the room, stood on a chair, and did the canopener. The teacher was too deep in laughter to say anything. Such fun.

Great last day of school.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bones finale.

I...I...what WAS that? The whole episode was so uncomfortable - I was incredibly stressed 0ut watching it, and not in the "Oooh, suspense, whodunit?!" way. It wasn't even fun - just awkward, uncomfortable, badly done, and SO SAD AT THE END.

I really think it was a casualty of the writers strike - that was at least four episodes worth of stuff jammed into one. (As was the Pam thing - she should have had several episodes to develop that attachment.) The crummy thing is, it didn't have to be. There was no reason for this frantic wrapping up of loose ends that the writers did. They could have easily left us hanging over the summer. Let the Pam arc go on...let us wonder for a few more months who Gormagon was...maybe even develop that mysterious guy at Booth's not-funeral.

I'm so disappointed.


Monday, May 19, 2008



First, I wanna take a road trip to Illinois. Headline in this morning's news: IL: 14 tons of Oreos spill across interstate. I had a dream like that once, I think.

In other news, I'm an unemployed slacker. Wait, no, that's not right. I'm home being a mommy right now. I've applied for a job that would allow me to work from home, AND am working on getting a home business off the ground. So prayers on both fronts are greatly appreciated.

This is the last week of school for my kiddos. Time for me to step up and be a full time cook, chauffer, and social coordinator for the summer. I have big plans to revel in it. I'm considering a little "last day of school" get together Friday afternoon, but haven't broached the subject to Kev yet. (Note to Kev: Hey honey, do you mind if I....yeah...) Meh, he won't be home, he won't care.

Soccer season for my kids is officially over. No, wait, I think Alexander still has a game...I've been a terrible soccer mom this year, thanks to a full time job. I need to look into that. I have a break of just under one month before Elizabeth's school soccer stuff kicks off. Camps, tryouts, practices, everything. Whee!

Today I have big plans to hang out with my sweetie until he goes to work. Library, then snuggling on the sofa reading and watching DVD's.

Oh! TV! Bones is on tonight! I'm dying to see it, and know who Gormagon is. I'm not worried too much about Booth - they can't kill him off, so I've already moved past the shooting. But I've got Gormagon narrowed down to two people - and I'm very afraid I know who it is. I'll cry if I'm right.

When you watch tonight, don't you DARE comment here and spoil me. I won't be able to watch until tomorrow morning with Kev, and I've worked so hard to stay unspoiled. We'll talk about it Tuesday! [grin]

For now, I'll tide myself over by watching Emily sing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun for the thousandth time.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Two Words

From Carrie:

1. Where is your cell phone? Black case
2. Where is your significant other? over there
3. Your hair? on head
4. Your mother? knee trouble
5. Your father? can't hear
6. Your favorite thing? nap time
7. Your dream last night? can't remember
8. Your favorite drink? cool water
9. Your dream/goal? win lottery
10. The room you’re in? living room
11. Your hobby? nap time
12. Your fear? any spiders
13. Where you want to be in 6 years? spending lottery
14. Where were you last night? at work
15. What you’re not? at work
16. Muffins? Yes please
17. One of your wish list items? win lottery
18. Where you grew up? this town
19. The last thing you did? typed answer
20. What are you wearing? pants, shirt
21. Your TV? behind me
22. Your pets? don't have
23. Your computer? time consuming
24. Your life? too busy
25. Your mood? kinda tired
26. Missing someone? not really
27. Your car? needs wash
28. Something you’re not wearing? my shoes
29. Favorite store? cheap place
30. Your summer? hot, humid
31. Like someone? like, who?
32. Your favorite color? it's blue!
33. When is the last time you laughed? earlier today
34. Last time you cried? can't remember


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy birthday!

Elizabeth is 11 today - tell my girl happy birthday!


Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Save VMK!!

Sadly, The people at VMK have decided to close it. A very important website I've noticed is Please sign to help everybody!

Thank you Isadora for all you're doing and all the time you're giving up to help VMK and it's residents!

On this website, I found news that a protest in Disneyland to Save VMK is going on May 10th. And much, much more! Here are a few of the comments I found on there:

i know someone that has a very rare condition. her body cant feel pain and cant control her body temperature. so she stays inside her home most of her life in a controled temperature environment. if she dares to go somewhere, she has to wear what looks like a vest packed with ice packs. she is home schooled. since she cant go outside to play with other kids and has to be carefully monitored in her activites, she plays vmk. on vmk, people dont know she has this condition. she can have fun and be just like any other normal little girl. she doesnt have to be concerned about the temperature or being careful because of the virtual environment. it also helps her with typing, reading, writing, and some spelling. it also gives her parents a break from monitoring her activies 24/7. they know she is safe on vmk. now what will she do????? they are just being down right cruel to do this to her. when she found out what was happening, she was in tears for nearly an hour. please vmk staff or whoever is doing this, DONT CLOSE VMK. DO IT FOR HER. DO IT FOR LITTLE KIDS ALL OVER WHO MAY HAVE RARE CONDITIONS AND VMK IS THERE ONE CHANCE AT FREEDOM!

My niece is handicapped and is confined to a wheel chair or laying down, her social life is very limited due to her disability. VMK offers her the ability to form friendships, and enables her to have the pleasure of walking, shop, decorate, play games she normally can't play, swim, drive, diving in the ocean, barter, and other skills she can't use in her reality. I can't understand how Disney ( a company geared towards magic with children) cannot have the compassion to keep this website open for the disabled.

Hello Everyone, I have been born with a type of Dwarfism that I can't even begin to spell.. I am made fun of at school all the time because of my hight, but on VMK was the first time I realized that just because I had a problem outside I have an extreme love for Disney.. I love Disney and they should just let us win.. this one time..

These were just a few of the comments that made me want to save VMK all the more. Please help!


Saturday, May 03, 2008

Bones is back!

Okay, well, it's BEEN back for a few weeks, but I'm behind. [blush] I've been delighted with the last three episodes. The sweetness between Jack and Angela makes me so happy - they're going to do well.

The last episode thrilled me. I know it was a bit anvilicious making Bones and Booth all domestic and parent-like, but I don't mind anvils as much as some others do. I'm perfectly willing to be taken along for the ride and just enjoy the story they're telling. Boreanaz and Deschanel have amazing chemistry, so it's always a wonderful tale.

I settled in and smiled hugely at the end of the last episode. (Side note: What was that ep. called? I would assume something like "The mother in the car", but am wondering.) Booth's excited rambling about the plasma TV and the sofa and all, while Bones just smiled at him, was a perfect ending. I can't wait for more!

Hurry Tuesday, hurry!


Friday, May 02, 2008


Logen, Val, Aaron, my other geeky gamer friends (<3!), check out my Myspace blog.


Thursday, May 01, 2008


The neighborhood dogs are going out of their minds this morning, which makes me edgy. All I can think is "Earthquake!".
