Friday, March 31, 2006

where are we?

Just an update from work to let you know that we haven't posted in awhile because our internet connection at home is down and probably will be until Monday April 3.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

They're locusts! Locusts, I tell you!

My three children, two of whom are tiny, have just demolished 17 frozen waffles. Thank goodness we have a four slot toaster - it wasn't quite adequate to keep ahead of them. Every time four waffles popped up, I'd grab them and turn to the table to see at least one child staring at me with an empty plate and hopeful eyes. If we just had a two slot toaster, I'm not entirely convinced they wouldn't have eaten ME.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Educate me!

Elizabeth's class was discussing alternative fuel sources in social studies today. The subject of corn oil came up briefly, but since they're in third grade, they didn't go into it too deeply. Is research on this happening? Where does it stand? What are the pros and cons.


Indiana Browncoats!

Yay! I found a forum for Indiana fans of Firefly/Serenity!
It's all about community, ba-by!
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Wanna tell me something?

What is your favorite scripture about trusting God first and foremost? I love Proverbs 3:5-6, and several others, but what do you like?


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

M.C.F.A.T. ...sheesh 10 already?

MCF has posted his 10th version of the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's Astonishing Test! (I'm waiting for the 100th to see if MCF does something special with it!)

1) You loved it, but critics hated it, or vice versa. Who's right?
I am right, of course. I don't get paid to see movies, I do so for enjoyment.
2) What's the most expensive hobby you've had?
Computers, maybe books, or comic books. Wait! Does eating count? I enjoy having computer stuff, but since said stuff is so expensive, I only buy said stuff once every few years - and even then, I never go top-of-the-line, I just buy what I need. As for comics, that's more of a splurge for me. I don't collect any of the mainstream comics, just a handful of titles from the smaller publishers. I get Transformers, Robotech, Angel, Spike... I think that's it. I read the collected versions of story lines from the mainstream houses occasionally when I pick them up at the library, or I'll read summaries on the 'net. As for books - I get many from the library to support my addiction. I also hope relatives enable me at gift-giving occassions with bookstore giftcards. 

3) What sports, if any, have you played as part of an organized team? What sports, if any, have you played for fun? 
Sports? Yeah right! None to speak of. I tried to participate in my elementary school's basketball team in 3rd grade, but my dad's work schedule made it difficult to make all the practices and games, so I gave up. Dad worked tons of overtime, often from 3 in the morning until 6 at night.  So I pretty much had no extracurricular activities. In high school, since I didn't have any experience in any sport, I couldn't participate there. Also, remember that saying "I'm in shape - Round is a shape!", yeah that's me.
In college, radio broadcasting was my sport... that an wild Frisbee/Comet-ball games with my buddy between/after classes.
Now, I'd love to be part of a paintball or dodgeball team though.

4) What would you do if you had a pet monkey?
Sell it to a secret laboratory. Or name it Gleek, make it wear a silly costume, and ghostwrite his blog.

5) Which is better: extreme heat or extreme cold?
Extreme cold. I can always add more layers and seek more shelter to stay warm. Once it gets extremely hot, you can only take off so many clothes before people start throwing things at you or calling the cops.  I'm actually more of a midline kinda guy - I'd prefer the weather to be a nice 70 degrees Fahrenheit year 'round.
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MCF's X-Rated Astonishing Test.

Shame on him for know what, he already made the joke, so I'll let it go. Away we go.

1) You loved it, but critics hated it, or vice versa. Who’s right? Hmm. I don't know, I don't pay much attention to...oh, wait! My friends and I had a girls night out a while back, and went to see Sideways. We'd heard it was very good. It was emphatically NOT very good. [shudder] What a nightmare of a movie. Obviously, I thought the critics were wrong.

2) What’s the most expensive hobby you’ve had? I have said expensive hobby right now, scrapbooking, of course. Which leads me to think it would be fun to create a scrapping meme. It can be crazy expensive, and you can really go wild with the purchasing if you're not careful. That said, I'm pretty frugal about it.

3) What sports, if any, have you played as part of an organized team? What sports, if any, have you played for fun? Um, tee ball. I'm awfully klutzy, and not an asset to any organized sports team.

4) What would you do if you had a pet monkey? I'd guess spend a lot of time cleaning up poo. Possibly flung poo.

5) Which is better: extreme heat or extreme cold? Extreme heat. I'm NOT a cold weather girl.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Book Review: Secret of the Swamp King

by Jonathan Rogers.
I received this book from Mind & Media to review.
This is the second book in The Wilderking Trilogy. Sort of a retelling of the Biblical story of David. The first book had a blatant almost word-for-word scene from David's life. I didn't catch any of that in this book. This series is written for the juvenile action/adventure/fantasy section of the book store. But anyone that enjoys a good story will enjoy this book.
It helps out if you've read the first book in the series Bark of the Bog Owl.
Though the book is predictable, it's still a good read, and a quick read. My favorite characters are the Feechies - without them this series wouldn't be nearly as good - and they are integral to the story and the prophecy that sets it off in the first book.
Get this series, and read it your children or let them read it themselves.
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Book Review: How To Be Your Own Publicist

by Jessica Hatchigan.
I received this book from Mind & Media to review.
And I admit, I had an ulterior motive for asking to review this one: At work, I'm the guy that's supposed to get the media to give us more positive publicity, instead of negative publicity. I have a background in the media, so that helps. But I don't think I write News Releases very well.  I hoped this book would help.
This book is well-written, easy to understand, and contains good illustrations and examples. The only thing that would have made this a better book would have been the inclusion of a CD-ROM with templates for news releases, pitch letters, and the various other documents mentioned in the book.
I did disagree with one point mentioned about news releases. The author thinks it's a good idea to include suggested news angles, PSA copy, contact information for people outside your organization that would be good interviews, and other stuff that makes it appear you are "in the know" about the media business and to help the reporter do his job. I disagree with that approach. Granted, it's been more than ten years since I've been in the media, but when I was, if an unsolicited news release from a new company or organization included this stuff, I'd have been offended. I'd have thought the person writing the news release was trying to tell me how to do my job. I still think a good reporter should be able to find his own angles from a news release, find people to interview on his own, and write copy better than Joe Public.
That's just one little problem I had with an overall Very Good Book. 
The book is not just about news releases either! There's a wealth of information on getting yourself/your organization/your company publicity.
If you need to learn How to Be Your Own Publicist, that's the book to get!
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Book Review: Help! Mom! Hollywood's In My Hamper!

Mind & Media sent me this book to review. It's a sequel to Help! Mom! There Are Liberals under My Bed!
Written for children with conservative parents, this book pokes fun at liberals from Hollywood, while trying to show that what Hollywood tells you isn't as important as what your parents tell you. 
Good lesson. Bad execution.
I'm a conservative, I enjoy children's literature, I'm a Christian, and I like cartoons.
I do not like this book. It comes across as mean-spirited, spiteful, poorly written, with obvious jokes and references aimed at particular Hollywood people and liberals in-general.
Christians are supposed to show the world Christ's love through how we live our lives and our actions more than our words. If this book is indicative of Christianity, I wouldn't want anything to do with it. Good thing that there are other Christians out there living the life and showing the world what it really means to be a Christian.
Recommendation: Stay away from this series.
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Found one!

John has a good meme here:

Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror? Of those three, Sci-Fi, although I'm more of a chick fic girl most of the time.

Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback? Mass market paperback, for the same reasons John gave. Cheaper. The only exception is the Left Behind series, which Kev and I splurged on, purchasing each one as soon as it was released. (Even then, we went to Sam's Club where they were much cheaper.)

Heinlein or Asimov? Gonna go with Asimov in deference to my darling Kev, a diehard Asimov fan. I haven't read either. (I know, I know.)

Amazon or Brick and Mortar? Brick and mortar until recently, when I made an Amazon wish list. But browsing through all those books in person is such fun.

Barnes & Noble or Borders? B&N

Hitchhiker or Discworld? Hitchhiker, but only because I haven't read Discworld yet. (I'll slap myself for you.) Yep, what John said.

Bookmark or Dogear? I'm ashamed to admit this. I dogear. I try to remember not to, but I'm so bad about it. [hangs head in shame]

Magazine: Uh, Creating Keepsakes. Heh.

Alphabetize by author Alphabetize by title or random? Kind of a hybrid of the two. The authors are pretty much together, and books are together by subject. Ish.

Keep dustjacket or toss it? Keep.

Read with dustjacket or remove it? Remove it. And use it as a bookmark if I remember not to dogear.

Short story or novel? Novel

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Lemony Snicket

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? I aim for chapter breaks, but often Kev will come home to find me sound asleep with the book on the pillow beside my face. Perhaps I should consider stopping when tired, huh?

"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"? "Once upon a time"

Buy or Borrow? Mostly borrow. The library is a wonderful, wonderful place. But we buy our share too.

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse? Definitely Browsing. I like the physicality picking up a book from a shelf, reading the cover, sampling some pages. Oh, and if I find something recommended by others, all the better! (This is John's answer, but it's me to a T)

Lewis or Tolkien? Tolkien.

I'm going to have to continue this later. It's 6:05 in the morning, and my turn for the shower. Sorry I couldn't finish now, blame Kev for not taking a longer shower.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'm in the mood for meme.

Can anybody point me toward an interesting one?



You know you want to bid:

(Yeah, it's my auction.)



What a weekend. Already, and Sunday's barely started. This was the weekend of the Empty Closet Sale. Elizabeth's school does this once a year. It's a big ol' rummage sale. Parents can rent an 8-foot table at the sale. The rental fee goes to the school, and the parents keep the money from whatever they sell. So two friends and I got together to rent four tables. One of the friends had to go out of town this weekend, so the other friend and I figured we could man the four tables on our own. (The out of town friend was on hand Friday night to help us set up, which was exhausting in itself. It took two Grand Caravans and an SUV to get all of our stuff to the school, with a second trip for each of the Grand Caravans.)

Wrong. When the school doors were unlocked Saturday morning at 8AM, there was a huge crowd waiting to get in. They came pouring in the gym doors, everyone on a mission. They did the rummage sale shopper once over first, where they make a circuit of all the tables, checking things out. Then they shop. So my friend looked at me all bummed, and said, "They didn't even STOP at our tables." Five minutes later, and for the next two hours, we were elbow deep in crowds holding armloads of things from our tables. It was absolutely insane. We'd get one person taken care of, and turn to see three more waiting to pay us. We were sweating after fifteen minutes.

Between the three of us, we had four 8-foot tables crammed full. The floor space beneath the tables was full. We pulled our tables back about six feet (after checking with the school librarian) from the aisle to utilize the space in front of our tables for tubs of small furniture, books, VHS tapes, and CDs. At the end of the day, we had one small cardboard box of stuff left. We were floored. And thrilled. And slightly wealthier. ;-)

It's so nice doing that with a friend. We enlisted one another to support us in our "don't buy anything at the sale" effort. Our goal was to clear out our houses and make money, not spend money and bring in more junk. She did better than I - things kept catching my eye after it slowed down at our booth. I'd scurry off to another table, hold it up to show her, and she'd yell "No" across the gym at me. I'd put it down and slink back to our table. At one point, I found something and went to check it out while she was busy with someone purchasing at our table. As I picked it up, her 9-yo daughter came running up to me. "My mom says you can't have that." Heh. Now THAT'S a good friend. I did very well, hardly bought anything. I purchased two books for Alexander, because his reading is really taking off lately. And aside from Hop On Pop, we don't have many early reader stuff left.

And my friend gave me this:

She had it in the sale for $5, and I snagged it for my living room. Kev, because he's wonderful, installed it last night, and it looks beautiful.

So there's my big long rummage sale story. Hope it entertained. Whee.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

A Kev By Any Other Name

What's in a name? Apparently everything!
This website analyzes your first name, or your first and last name.
The results for my first name are almost dead on accurate! That's kinda freaky...

Your First Name of: Kevin

  • The name of Kevin creates an overly-sensitive nature which causes you to sense and feel far more than you can understand or put into words. (Not really. --Kev)
  • You have a deep, artistic, and creative side which shows through a love for music and literature. (Kinda. --Kev)
  • Writing is a more natural mode of expression for your deeper thoughts and feelings than the spoken word.  (Absolutely! --Kev)
  • You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest.  (Oh yeah! --Kev)
  • However, you prefer to avoid routine, monotony, and mental tasks. (Yep. --Kev)

  • Although the name Kevin creates an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition. (Yeah, that's me.  --Kev)
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus, heart, lungs and bronchial area.  (eh, what? That's a little to esoteric for me... --Kev).

Then I went and used my nickname:

Your First Name of: Kev

  • The name of Kev has given you a very imaginative, creative mind. (I try. --Kev)
  • You always have new ideas, but too often they are for an easy way out of a difficulty, or an easy way of making money. (hmmm... have to ponder that one for awhile. --Kev)
  • You are not inclined to apply yourself consistently to a job and to reach the fulfillment of your goals through perseverance and hard work. (I think I understand what that is saying. And I kind of agree with it. --Kev)
  • The influence of this name has caused you to feel unsettled emotionally and mentally. (Well that one's wrong. --Kev)
  • You are never satisfied with conditions, because your feelings and desires are so changeable.  (That one's wrong too.)
  • Hence you seek change in order to have the opportunity for travel, new experiences, and new friends and associates.  (This one's way wrong too. --Kev)
  • There are people in your association who could influence you unfavourably and thereby mislead you; disillusionment, embarrassment, and bitter experiences then become your lot.  (Don't think so. --Kev)

  • Although the name Kev creates an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes procrastination, lack of confidence, and the inability to realize your goals and ambitions. (That kinda describes me, yeah. That'sjustfreakyweirdman. --Kev)
  • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus, and fluid systems. (Okay, that just sounds gross. --Kev)


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Thursday, March 16, 2006

I am SO over this.

My GOSH, the water around here. All the rain we had over the last week has caused flooding everywhere. And it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. The novelty wore off pretty quickly.

Yesterday I was late picking Alexander up from school, because I didn't realize the detour would take so long. You can get to school by two different roads, and they're both flooded out.

Note: If you're in Evansville, I'm talking about Christian Fellowship Church. Instead of just going up Oak Hill to Millersburg and straight to the church, you take Oak Hill to Millersburg, turn on that little side street, go all the way up to Kansas, to Greenriver, then back to Millersburg from the other side, THEN you can get to the church. And you can't just go up Greenriver in the first place because it's flooded out too, just south of Millersburg.

It also interfered with my getting to work the other day. I don't know where all the houses are yet, so I meet my boss at her house, then follow her to the houses that we clean. Earlier this week, she led me straight into a flooded out road. We couldn't turn around because the road was so narrow, with ditches full of water on either side. Luckily, it was shallow enough where we could see the yellow line in the center, so we ventured through. Otherwise we would have had to throw it in reverse for about a half mile. Yeesh. Dry OUT already, Evansville.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Reasons To Like Rubi

In no particular order - reasons anyone should like Rubi.
She's fun.
She's witty.
She's smart.
She's beautiful.
She loves her family.
She has a part time job to help out with the finances even though she'd rather be a stay-at-home-mom.
She's done an excellent job raising our kids.
She doesn't make me eat that many vegetables.
She actively supports my geekness. (She'll even share in some of my geekness.)
She actually married me. How cool is that?!
She doesn't get drunk.
She rarely drinks.
She cares about her friends.
She goes out of her way to do things for other people.
She has a great sense of humor.
She gets/shares my sense of humor.
She makes incredible scrapbooks about our family.
She likes Firefly/Serenity.
She loves to read and has encouraged a love of reading in our kids.
If a friend asks her to do something for them, she probably will.
She's a Christian.
She's encouraging our kids to become Christians.
Should I go on?
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Look what I made!

I've never made jewelry before, so it's a very amateur effort. But I kind of like it, and hope to do more/better pieces over time. BTW, I know it looks pink here and there. That's just the effect of the camera flash. The whole thing is purple, to go with a pair of dark purple pants that I have.


Friday, March 10, 2006

Whoo! And other things.

Well, I found a new job within hours. Quit my old job via a phone call. That's not as bad as it sounds. My old boss and I had a frank, friendly talk, during which I asked him upfront if my position did or did not need to be eliminated over time. He confirmed that. It was very kind of him to keep me on because he knew we needed the money. But he just flat couldn't afford me any more, and he really needed to let me go, kindness or no.
That job is all gone, no bridges burned, everyone involved was happy.

So. New job. I called a friend to ask her about a job opening I'd heard about a while back. That job was taken, but she had another suggestion for me. On her advice, I talked to Tammy, a mutual friend of ours. Tammy owns a small housecleaning company. As it turns out, Tammy has been praying for a new employee. I approached her Friday, and started working for her Monday morning. We were an answer to one another's prayers.

I worked this week, and we've had more fun than anyone should be allowed to have while they're cleaning a house.

Other stuff? I missed American Idol Thursday night, so I had to consult to find out who went home. BTW, the REASON I missed American Idol Thursday is a whole separate post, ranting hysterically about the incompetence of whatever drunken chimpanzee compiles the local TV listings. With a sub-rant about college basketball and pre-empting. Ahem. Anyway, Will Makar went home before Kevin Covais? They were both riding solely on the cute factor at this point, granted. But Will Makar before Kevin Covais? I mean...Kevin is...well, I'm not entirely sure he's even been BORN yet, he's so young and wee. And Will Makar is incredibly adorable. And has the added attraction of not still being a fetus.

On a positive note, Mandisa was everything amazing and wonderful. Again. Isn't she just the coolest? If there's any justice, she and Chris Daughtry will be our top two.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

Rainy Day Rainbow

It's been overcast all day, and has pretty much rained all day with some thunderstorms and strong winds thrown in to boot. Lots of Thunderstorm Watches and Warnings, and Tornado Watches and Warnings around the area.
This afternoon, Rubi was coming from a friends house and called me from her cell. She said "Grab Alexander and run outside! There's a double rainbow in the East!"
I grabbed Alexander ran outside. It was sprinkling, but very a very pleasant temperature. The sun was setting in the West and turned the sky about a third of the sky a weird bright yellow. I've never seen a sky that color before.
And to the East, against a backdrop of dark gray storm clouds was a bright rainbow stretching from horizon to horizon, and about a degree above it was another very faint rainbow - almost an afterimage of the first it was so ephemeral.
I dropped Alexander back inside and grabbed the camera and took a few pics.
It's hard enough to see the double rainbow on the full-size version of this pic, you probably can't see it all on this reduced image - but for your viewing pleasure, I present:

The March 9, 2006 Rainbow


THINKS for March 9, 2k6

This installment of my Thinks I've been collecting for a few weeks while not posting very often. I haven't posted anything of real substance lately: memes, quizzes, MCFATs, and a book review.

On to the Thinks:

Have a cell phone? Call information/4-1-1 for free (really!)
I mentioned in the last Thinks that an artist at DeviantArt is recreating the movie Serenity with Muppets. Here's part two.
Here is a cool job opening at DisneyWorld! Also, kinda sad if you really think about it.
I found a new team blog that I like, now if we can just drive some more traffic into their forums...
Speaking of bloggy-type things, Rubi's sister Sara has one of those crazy Myspace websites.
And sticking with the computer-topics for a bit more; apparently AOL is trying to implement "Certified Email" or email that you have to pay to send. Uh... No Thanks! I'll stick with sending free email!
Saw an interesting articles about Alien Rain... Wasn't that the plot of JLA: Exterminators
JLA: Exterminatorsto be a superhero, now's your chance - and on national TV!
And speaking of way cool cartoons, if you don't go out right now and buy Gargoyles Season 2 part 1, I will have to send Bronx after you, because part 2 might not be released!

Hmmm... thought I had more. Must've been thinking about all those quizzes.

Oooh! I did find the "Rules from the male side". Yes, it's chauvinistic. But it's also quite funny!
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Shopping is NOT a sport. And no, we are never going to think of it that way.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both! If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions and neither do we (of course, he was looking for India, and found Cuba - but's that neither here nor there!)
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine ... Really .
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round is a shape.
1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; but did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.

See you next time!

"THINKS": Kev's term combining the words Things and Links: an assortment of images, links, games, trivia, memes, minutia, and whatnot found while browsing and mentioned collectively in a blog or message-board posts.

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Several Quizzes

I am 71% Conspiracy Nut

Locator Image!

You are a conspiracy nut. The government tops your list as the
least trustworthy. You are into looking behind what you are given and
analyzing propaganda to discover the truth. It's out there.

Take this quiz at

The Commonly Confused Words Test says me be a
English Genius

I scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 93% Expert!

"You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!
For the complete Answer Key, visit:"

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 25% on Beginner
You scored higher than 36% on Intermediate
You scored higher than 36% on Advanced
You scored higher than 80% on Expert

Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

The Beautiful Faces Test
says I like
Jessica Alba
My score:
60% SexyCute, 50% Eyes, 33% Nose, 48% Mouth

You seem to like small features and a sense of cuteness. Jessica Alba is pretty tiny, and so are her features (altho her lips almost count as big). She can be hot, but even in roles like Nancy the Stripper in Sin City, she has an inherent cuteness that can't be hidden. Not an Alba fan? There are others who fit the bill.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 28% on Eyes
You scored higher than 23% on Nose
You scored higher than 45% on Lips
You scored higher than 63% on SexyCute

Link: The Beautiful Faces Test written by dgc20e on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Apparently, My Type of Girl is:
The Debutante
Does Rubi know this?

I scored: 62% Sexy-Cute, 61% Dark-Light, 66% Artsy-Stylish

Cute, neither Dark nor Light, and Stylish, you'll find the Debutante at high-class New York parties, making the rounds. She'll have a glass of champagne in one gloved hand, her hair perfectly coifed, her makeup exactingly applied. Her slinky, perfect little black dress keeps many an eye firmly on her, wondering what lies beneath.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 75% on Sexy-Cute
You scored higher than 73% on Dark-Light
You scored higher than 91% on Artsy-Stylish

Link: The Your Type of Girl Test written by dgc20e on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


Book Review: Noah

Earlier this year, based on a recommendation in a forum, I bought and read the book Noah Noah
  by Ellen Gunderson Traylor.
Very interesting book. The writing isn't great, but the story definitely held my attention. Starts off when the Biblical Noah is a young man, and continues through his life as God tells him to build the ark, the Flood, and for a short time after the Flood.
The author touches briefly on topics sometimes covered in the aforementioned Forum: What was the world like in antediluvian times. How much influence did the fallen angles have on that world. Who were the nephilim and/or giants mentioned in Genesis 6 and elsewhere in the Bible? Why was mans life-span longer then? Who were the men of renown?
This author apparently has written many biblical-based novels. This is the only one I've read.
The book reinforces God as the supreme power in and Creator of the universe; all the other "gods" mentioned in mythology or the Bible (as false gods or idols) are fallen angels serving as rulers over man in a fallen, sinful world. Noah, having the only family left with a clean genetic line back to Adam and still worshipping the true God, is chosen to restart the world after God destroys the original one.
If you like speculative Biblical fiction, give it a try. If you're curious what the Antediluvian world was like, give it a try.
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Sheesh - All my posts lately are from MCF...

MCF has another Astonishing Test, this one is volume 9:

1) From any current television series, who is the last character you'd want to see killed off? Who's the first?

Last character: there are many. Homer Simpson. Sam Carter from SG1, Laura Roselyn from BSG, the Scottish doctor-guy from SGA (really, any of the main scientist/doctor characters), Janet Frasier from SG1 - oh wait, they killed her a few seasons ago (those are the only shows I watch... and it's been years since I've watched the Simpsons).

First: Tigh from BSG. Tigh's wife from BSG. Ooh! Lana on Smallville (thanks Kelly). Tigh from BSG. ... really, all of the cast of Smallville except for Chloe and Ma Kent. (I forgot that I try to watch Smallville). Did I mention Tigh from BSG?

2) What are the best and worst finanacial investments a person could make?

Best: private Christian school for your kids.
Worst: a fixer-upper home on a not-being-able-fixer-up income, a rainbow vacuum cleaner, a used truck too good to be true when the car you have is fine, eating out way too much.

3) Think of the worst superpower you could have, either from an existing character or one you make up, and explain how you would learn to live with it.

Existing superpower: Running fast. I hate to run. But I guess if that were my superpower, it'd be pretty easy to adjust. But I'd rather teleport.
Made-up superpower: okay, I can think of a bunch of gross ones. I won't go there.

4) What's the worst dating experience you've ever had?

Being 15 and at a store with my older sister (by nine years) and her infant son and having some old geezer ask us how long we had been married.
Wait, that wasn't a date.
I can't think of any bad experiences Rubi and I have had together - she's the only person I really dated (before and after marriage). I went on a handful of "dates" before Rubi, but most were really just two guys and two girls spending time together - Anna and I weren't really "dates".
Oh, I remember another one: When I was in highschool and working at Little Caesars Pizza, there was this hot girl who I asked out twice. She said yes twice and stood me up both times. I took the hint.

5) Would you ever appear on television? In what capacity? Sitcom star? Dramatic actor? Talk or game show host? Reality contestant?
I was on television tonight. Interviewed during the local news weather segment live from my place of work about severe weather. I will be again Friday evening during the weather segment. And they taped an interview to air during a severe weather special program that will air later this week.
I've been on TV in various ways most of my life. When I was very young, between 5 and 8 (I can't remember exactly) I was interviewed on a local program about either attending my church or attending my (private Christian) school. A few years later I was interviewed about attending my school again.
In high school I and a couple of classmates were interviewed about taking part in the high-school Radio Broadcasting class.
In college, I took a TV production class and had to make a commercial, a music video, and a talk-show segment. In college I worked for a PBS TV station (not to mention many radio stations) as master control for both their main broadcast station and their two cable stations.
Since working at my current job I've been interviewed on TV (not to mention radio) several times about the work we do, and most likely will be again.
I've never done any acting on TV. I could be a game show host. Wouldn't want to be a talk-show host. I'd rather be the guy in the back doing the editing and sound mixing and post-production.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Quick Meme from MCF

MCF posts a quick meme; and here are my responses to "Would You Ever":
...jump out of an airplane? Maybe.

...go bungie-jumping? Abso-friggin-lutely not.

...alter history? I believe I am altering history every day. to a space station?  Sure.

...eliminate a child certain to be the world's next evil tyrant? Maybe. broccoli?  ...yes. I don't like broccoli, but my mom-in-law makes a mean broccoli cauliflower and cheese casserole.

...battle crime as a vigilante?  Maybe.

...choose death over becoming a zombie? Uh, yeah. Zombies are just reanimated dead. They have no soul. I'd much rather be spending eternity with Jesus.

...swim in the Winter? In a heated indoor pool, sure. a house by yourself?  Nope.

...become a fire fighter or police officer? Abso-friggin-lutely not. I work with them everyday. I know what they have to do. I could not do their jobs. And most of them couldn't do my job.

...climb a mountain?  If there was a point to it beyond just climbing, then yes. for public office? Maybe. But I abhor politics, so the motivation would have to be really good.

...shave your head? Maybe. It would solve that problem of needing haircuts every two weeks.

...shave everything?  You mean like the sofa, and the floor, and the dog, and the neighbor, and the... ?? sushi?  hmm... Rubi has had sushi that consisted mostly of cooked lobster and rice... that doesn't seem so bad. But most of the sushi she eats I wouldn't touch.

...give up the computer for 40 days? Can't. I use multiple computers at work everyday.

...give anything up for 40 days? Sure. I haven't had a haircut for about 2 months now...

...go on a blind date? I don't think Rubi would appreciate that.

...pierce something other than an earlobe? I wouldn't even pierce an earlobe.

...wait on line for two or more hours for anything? Stand in line for something for two or more hours. Probably. That something would have to be really good.

...hang glide?  Oh yeah! Rubi and I would love to do that someday!

...cut off one of your own limbs to survive?  I'd have to be in the situation to make that call. Sitting at my computer I'd say a resounding "no". But...

...change careers? Been there. Done that. Have the tshirts, polo shirts, and free CDs to prove it. in a hospital?  Depends on the job. Anything medical, No. A dispatcher for security or a phone bank person, sure. aboard a submarine?  Oh yeah! That'd be cool!

...cheat on your taxes?  Maybe.

...cheat on a loved one?  Only during board games.

...feast on an exotic animal?  What kind of animal?

...devour insects and other gross things for a chance to win money? I can't even look at most bugs without getting the creepy-crawlies. That would be a resounding "NO!!! NEVER" your life savings? I can honestly say Never.

...get a tattoo?  Never.

...fight in a war? I believe we're fighting in a spiritual war every day of our lives against the forces of the Fallen Angels as they try to steal our souls away from our Creator God.

...say “never”? See several of the answers of above.
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Kev's fear of being Dooced is the only thing that's kept me from a furious rant on this blog for the past week or so. Shutting up now.

My hours at work were cut as of today, because my boss is having to tighten the purse strings big time. I understand. While there are lots of upsides to working for a small family business, this is one of the downsides. Cash flow is an issue more often. My boss was great about it. We sat in his office for about a half hour talking about how to work out my new schedule. He really needs me to drop from 5 days a week to 2-3 right away. But so as not to shock my family budget too badly, he's just dropping me to four days until April, then I'll drop down to 2-3.

I'm bummed about the money thing, and looking to pick up some hours at one of the kids schools. (That would be great, because I think there's a tuition break involved at either school for employees) But I'm trying to stay positive and enjoy to the hilt my return to mothering during the day. Field trips, volunteering at the school, whee! Love!

Can we talk about Idol? Because I'm obsessed. Mandisa is wonderful, amazing, classy, beautiful, everything wonderful. I would absolutely love to see her go all the way.

Off to watch Idol, and clean house during commercials.
